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hardly ever see BF (cop)


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ok, my boyfriend and i have been going out for 5 years now, and he became a cop. I hardly ever see him, and the days hes off, i already know there going to call him in, because hes not fulltime yet.


whats a real relationship? IF i love him id wait til he gets on fulltime... but i feel second. but he loves me... he just bought me a $800.00 ring...and you would think that id be like OMG, but...I mostly just...want to be in his presents...


WEve talked and talked, and... im seriously... I know NO COPS that are dating, there all lonley men...


There was many things in my life and still are many things in my life that i need him to be by me for, but... hes not.


am i selfish (*i only see him 1 a week for acouple hours IF IM LUCKY*)

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Well I will say that with anyone starting a career there is going to be a sacrificial period. Once they become established in their profession things usually settle down some. Maybe if you take the stance that this is only temporary until he's full-time and on a schedule it would be easier. Make a plan for a date night (or day) when you two can just focus on each other. Aim for weekly. Enjoy those two hours. If you need to talk try writing him a note. That way you can think through how you portraying your thoughts. Try to say I really miss having time with you. I'd love for us to go for coffee like we used to. Just simple things that he can accomidate. Maybe you can meet up with him on a break. I bet he would really think that was sweet of you.

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You should be very proud of your man for being in a profession that helps people. Not everyone has the mentality to become one either. He probably feels the same way too when he has to go to work instead of spending time with you. Im sure if he had it his way, he would choose to be by your side the whole time.


Things are still new to you and your boyfriend, but I'm sure the two of you will adjust to his new career. Be patient and supportive with him. Good luck...

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