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Penis size correlations

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Hey I only measured cos well its a usefull thing to know like inside leg measurment and chest size. U never know if I or my girlfriend wants to buy me a willy warmer, I would want one that fits, not one thats too big or too small.


Anouther thing is I got this mate that is constantly talking about his penis, he is always saying "well, I have a big nob" this may be in a conversation about cheese, he constantly says how he is 8 1/2 inches long. Does this mean he is probably insecure about his member? is he most likely lying?


He is also a cronic lier about anything and everything that may remotely make him sound/look better or more of a man. Is there a name for this?

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I measured my ex bf YEARS ago and also my fiance back when we first met... it was for fun.. probably something they wanted to do but were too afraid.


My fiance is always asking me if his penis is big enough for me. I have told him a million times it is absolutely perfect!!! He thinks his penis is 1/2 inch bigger then it really is, and if I ever refer to size he gets angry when I mention the real measurement (obviously just between the two of us, I would never tell any of my friends his measurement)

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I do get insecure about my penis though, and its for no real reason. I always feel it is 2 small but after reading that article on size im 2 inches exactely above average. Could my insecurity have been made greater by poplealways talking and boasting about having bigger penises than me.


And readyor not I do exactely the same as your fiance, I always ask if my penis is big enough and think it small but my g/f always says it is perfect and big. But there is just a mental block that does not allow me to accept this compliment as some may call it.

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And readyor not I do exactely the same as your fiance, I always ask if my penis is big enough and think it small but my g/f always says it is perfect and big. But there is just a mental block that does not allow me to accept this compliment as some may call it.


Well, I am seriously 150% honest when I tell my fiance that his penis is perfect so your g/f is probably completely honest with you.


I suppose its the same when I freak out about my boobs and my fiance tells me they are perfect. (They are big, but because they are so big they surely arent perky which makes me very insecure).


I do think my fiances penis size is perfect but I am GLAD its not any bigger because sometimes if he pushes it in ALL THE WAY it touchs my cervix or something and I get crazy cramping because of it... I couldnt imagine having a fiance who's penis was huge because it would be the worst to have sex with... constant pain and cramps would NOT be cool.

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o right cheers for your help, is there anything I could possibly do to stop my mate lying whithout him knowing?


And how starnage my g/f is really self insecure about her breasts but just cos she thinks there too small. I tell her there perfect though but she wont have any of it and I really mean it they are perfect to me.


Ohh and its strange my g/f likes me hitting her cervix, she says it kinda hurts but she really likes it, says it like really pleasurable pain. Kinda odd but I oblige

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i always thought we compare penis size because its an asthetically pleasing trait to have. Having a huge dangling member is seen pretty much as the epitome of manhood.


Having said that...trends seem to change, ever notice that roman statues are barely even there? Its because in the ancient times, having a big penis was laughable, yet during the middle ages, men were permitted to wear garments that showcased their size, much the same way women were permitted to showcase their breasts as a measure of how fertile they were...it seems alien to us but hey, in 200 more years, people might like em small again

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