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Confusing signals


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Ok so I have caught the girl I like staring at me a few times in class and she has caught me etc. and we talk and flirt a little, but tonight she told me that she was having people over and did not even mention inviting me. Now ormally this would not be a big deal but she made it seem like she was having quite a few people over and that she thought it was funny I wasn't invited. I thought maybe she was interested but now I think she isn't. Just looking for a second opinion.

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sometimes people can try and play hard to get and it goes awry? perhaps she wanted to make you jealous and watch for a reaction. you know how women like to test us (j/k) if you can pluck up the courage ask her out! at least that way you'll know one way or another! lol

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Are you sure this was a girls only thing? if it wasnt..then ill give u this.

i believe being patient is the key to a relationship. dont let this one night ruin what you and her have shared for how ever long its been going on.

i think jealousy can kill a friendship/relationship type thing.

tell her this week that yur having some people over, and invite her. dont just abandon ship because of one night.

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Are you sure this was a girls only thing? if it wasnt..then ill give u this.

i believe being patient is the key to a relationship. dont let this one night ruin what you and her have shared for how ever long its been going on.

i think jealousy can kill a friendship/relationship type thing.

tell her this week that yur having some people over, and invite her. dont just abandon ship because of one night.


The problem, though, is what the poster said here:


she told me that she was having people over and did not even mention inviting me. Now ormally this would not be a big deal but she made it seem like she was having quite a few people over and that she thought it was funny I wasn't invited.


That was just plain nasty

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Did she tell you that she was having these friends over well online or over the phone?....because maybe she was pressured by her friends to make u feel bad, but later tonight she's gonna feel really bad. i dont know. im trying to keep it positive here. i feel that is the right thing to do. remain postive guy. just think about when monday roles around u can talk to her again.

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She has never been "mean or nasty" before this. I'm not going to abandon ship though. I like her and I'm pretty sure she knows that. I'll ask her out next time I talk to her in person unless something like this happens again, then I'll take it as a sign and forget about it.

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