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ok I am so mad. I know Ive done alot of dumb things....I did steel before and I do lie. I live by my aunt. She has alot of problems, and dont get me wrong I love her to death. But I am so mad at her right now. She is accusing me of steeling beer...which I took 3 and she told me I could....now shes saying I stole cigs pills and this type of wiskey and I never did. My parents believe her too. Like what is up with that. They dont believe me either I tried telling them I didnt. They think im so bad, which deep down im not. I mean I really dont need this sh**! I am trying to get my life on track....I met Luke hes great, and I feel as if im getting depressed again, if anyone calls I dont even want to talk to them. If Luke calls im just gonna tell him I cant talk, which is true. I hate this....

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sounds like you all need to sit down and have a good talk. you need to be honest and fess up to the things you have done. sometimes when you have done bad things before, people will just automatically assume that you did. just sit down and tell them the whole truth about everything.

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It isn't fair, but the only way out of this mess is to prove you're a person who keeps their word and to accept your family as they are (because believe me they're never going to change no matter how 'crazy' or 'wrong' they are.)


Don't let their accusations get to you and make you want to retaliate by proving them right, because that's a losing game. Revenge only gives temporary satisfaction and starts wars of mutually assured destruction that destroy what little trust was left between you.


Take the high road instead. Buy your aunt a 6pk or replace the beer funds. Remind her that she said you could take the beer, but don't ever borrow anything from her again, because it's not worth the hassle or heartache. Tell your parents you've replaced the beer and if they bring it up again, tell them you've made amends and ask them what else you should have done. If they keep rehashing old mistakes, just tell them you appeciate your input, but remind them that you've made amends and then leave the room. Sooner or later they'll get the message.


As for Luke, if you like him that much, why not lean on him emotionally? He sounds like the one person who could really be a good friend to you at a time like this.

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