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Giving it all up for a better life

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I'm in a bit of dilemma career wise - and life wise . I'm not really sure what to do. At the moment I'm working as an administrator, earning a reasonable wage, but feeling completely unfulfilled. I'm 26 so worry that if I leave to do something else, I will have to start from the bottom again. I have no qualifications past A-levels, so won't walk into a great paying job straight away. I struggle on my current wage as it is!!! I don't have my own house, I don't have a boyfriend and don't have any savings. My friends and people of my age seem to be doing so much better. Is it just me thinking like this?


I went to Australia 5 years ago for a year. It was the best year of my life. I've had itchy feet ever since. I've been looking into doing a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course based in Prague. It's for 1 month and once I gain the qualification, it will allow me to teach all over the world. The thing is, it would mean me giving up my house and my job and a teaching post at the end is not guaranteed. I'm also worried that I'll struggle on the course and that everyone will be better and more confident than me. I'm not exactly shy, but I do have low self esteem. Is it worth giving up what I currently have - Which to be fair is not a massive amount - to have what could be worse? Shall I just take a risk?


Please help, I'm in such a dilemma!!!

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Without risk, there are no rewards


I am 26 - and also am an administrator. Only difference is I do have a uni degree, but it's not one that has much application to it, and I have started over numerous times.


I am writing my LSAT in two weeks, and if all goes well, going back to school next fall...meaning taking on a huge student loans again (the program makes it very difficult to work a decent enough amount of time to make money to help pay, and still have time for the tremendous amount of studying you need to do). I am terrified, but determined to do something with my life, and be the best I can be - something I know I am not doing now.


Go for it.

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I hope to have a degree by 26. I'm 24 and I am going back to school to get my degree. If it is something you think you'll enjoy then go for it. What do you mean by being unfulfilled? The pay?, responsibility?, just not being happy?.... You say its a risk, but you'll be widening your qualifications for future jobs. Not having a b/f might be a good thing for now because you'll be able to do what you want and seize any opportunities that come your way.


In 15 years I'm sure you wouldn't want to look back and regret atleast not trying it. But I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide.

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I am pretty much in the same old boat


I have a Master's degree in Philosophy (or what else Linguistics belongs to), and work partially as commercial/helpdesk employee at a bank, and I assist the stock/funds advisor at that same bank. It's not even a permanent job, I am still applying for different things.


I earn a reasonable wage and try to save as much as I can miss and buy the cheapest food at the cheapest supermarket and go to sports with a uni discount card. It might be sensible for you to try to save at least a bit.


I am single too, I don't own my home but I have an indefinite rental contract (which pretty much means my landlord will need a VERY good reason to end the contract or else provide for an alternative home).


I think you should always try to follow your dream. But it has to be a bit 'suited' to your other dreams. For instance, I'd like the idea of having children but it's not a plan for the near future. So for me, it is not a real problem to not own a house right now, or to not have a bf or extra money. I want to do a PhD, and get a doctors degree in linguistics and that will mean a low paid job at uni here in Holland. We don't have grad schools. It's just a poor job with 70 hours a week. But it's where my heart is.


Maybe you should write your wishes for your life down, from the near future to the far future. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? And in 10?



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