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Am i obsessed... or just in love??

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i have a question which is playing on my mind and different people keep giving me different advice and it just doesnt add up in the end


Heres the thing, i have been with my bf for one year. He is my first bf, so i dont know if i come off as overbearing sometimes.. for example i email and sometimes text msg him corny little poems that i write, just sayin how much i love him and how much he means to me. I say "i love you" alot to him. I always want to see him and when i do i dont want him to leave. I call him often and i speak to him at least 1 hour everynight. If i dont hear from him or if he is not able to talk to me for that night it just feels weird.


Its like i get this feeling of wanting him more and needing him more everyday. Is this normal? i have never been in a relationship befor and im scared of coming off as annoying and overbearing. Im very protective off him and hate to say it but controlling aswell


My main question is.. this thing that im going through at the moment, is it normal? or am i obsessed. I know people say everything should be in balance but i feel like im addicted to him and if i dont see or hear his voice for one day i get really moody and start fighting with whoevers in the house. I almost cry when i call his phone and he's unable to pick up. Its kind of starting to scare me..but, is this commen??

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Calm down you're not obssessed.

I think most women feel like this at the start of a good relationship and if you still feel like this after a year it oibviously is a good relationship!

My advice from past experiences would be to try and tone it down a little maybe don't txt or e-mail him in the day time and that way at night time you'll have something to talk about. Also make sure he's doing 50% of the work, let him be the one to contact you first, let him miss you a bit and realise how much he needs to hear your voice.

I think you're completley normal honey and i hope your relationship continues to go as great as it sounds now


Love n Hugs



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It probably depends on how he feels about it, does he return any of the same things to you, or are you the one doing all the nice gestures with no thanks or any reciprocation?


Also though, I think your situation is a bit different in that he has not proven to be the most honourable guy, perhaps your "gestures" in a way are a way to try and keep him close and "honest" and "win him over" and in that sense it could be obsessive, yes. If you are admittedly being controlling, yes it is a bit obsessive, rather than pure love - in love you trust and encourage your partners growth.

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