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Out oF control sex drive for a female... what is wrong with


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Well I've been doing some research and it seems that my sex drive is worse than most men (i want it at least 2 times a day). I want it all the time, to the point that my boyfriend feels pressured and doesn't want to do it at all. I know I should just masterbate more, however it's just not the same, and frankly I feel like a looser for doing so, because everytime I go somewhere I get hit on, so I seem to think it's dumb for me to masterbate, however, I love my bf and do have morals that I'm not willing to bend. any advise???? I am starting to think I have some kind of mental problem.

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You will come to realise in time that you are absolutely normal (wanting it 10 times a day IS a problem, twice isn't). Count yourself lucky, you have a normal, healthy sex drive. Ok, there are lots of situations where you have to learn to control that sex drive (and it's much easier for us girls), but that's not really anything to worry about either.


The stereotype is that men must want it all the time and women never, when the reality is somewhere in the middle (ie about twice a day).


Celebrate !!

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I had this problem in my last relationship. He was my first but I'm also extremely playful and adventurous, and I sometimes wanted to have sex a lot more than we were. It was really frusterating at times. But I was afraid to tell him because I thought maybe something was wrong with me too. How often do guys enjoy having sex with their gfs?

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There is nothing wrong with you. Ideally, I could go for once maybe twice a day on a good day. 3 times a week on a bad week.


You shouldn't call your sex drive "worse than most men." Sex drive is not a BAD thing and you should not be guilted into believing so.


I know, it's frustrating, confusing and disheartening. I am trying to deal with a parter who has a lower drive as well.

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Well 10 times a day would be most ideal, and sore!! I'd love it!!! 2 times would be great on bad days. Glad to know I'm not crazy. It's just hard to deal with the rejection factor. I've never had to deal with this before and I was seriously thinking maybe some abusive stuff I've had to deal with in the past had programmed me all weird or something. I am a little older than him, and have never had the aggressive one, with a man before. It's really hard to talk about because I don't want him to feel more pressured. It's just sooo good I feel like I can't get enough.

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i'd rather have a girl who wanted it twice a day than a girl who wanted it twice a month...thats just boring, i agree, count yourself...and him...very lucky.


I agree. Your boyfriend has no idea how lucky he is. My girlfriend and I have sex maybe once every 2 or 3 months... although I am 450 miles away I still see her every 3 weeks

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You are perfectly normal.


There are a lot of men that have been looking for someone like this.


They are saying...Where have you been? We've been waiting for you?


Your boyfriend needs to really have his head looked at( I am partly joking...but seriously...many men would love the way that you are).

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I lately notice that my sex drive is on the high side too (I am in my early 30's). Everytime I see my date it is like at least twice a day. And I am now usually the one who initates it. I feel a little uneasy but when I talk to my guy he is like...oh no worries, grap me anytime you would like. Even though he says that I still embarrass about it once in a while.

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Count yourself lucky. I used to think I had a really high sex drive but then my last boyrfriend could be described as no less than a sex addict. We once had sex 16 times a day because as soon as I tried to do anything else he would jump on me. I started feeling like I was constantly being harrased and I would make excuses not to be at his house alone. I'd always have friend over and stuff jsut so he couldn't drive me crazy. Once I went over to his hosue and he had a friend over but he pulled me into his bedroom anyway locked the door and left his friend watching TV. Then I found out later he had videotaped us having sex liek five times and hadn't told me about it and he even showed it too his friends. It was really really horrible so consider yourself a very lucky girl. Trust me twice a day is not a bad thing at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think we first need to establish that people need to be responsible for their own sexual needs, that means that their partners arent always going to be in the mood. Putting pressure on your partner to give you more sex isnt going to be constructive, instead its going to make them want to have sex less. If you give the other person greater control over having sex when they want it then their libido will increase.

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I was thinking that I was the only one out there that had a high volume sex drive. Everyone in my circle laughs and jokes and say that I am a sexy beautiful woman, but that I have the mentality of a man.


An example I don't like to cuddle after sex, but I am very affectionate during the act. I have no limit in what goes down in the bed room, however I have not indulged in a three-sum yet in my 28 years of life.


I feel bad because I can not seem to settle down.I don't run from relationship to relationship, but for some reason if a guy is getting to close and we are doing everything that a normal couple would do i push him away. I need help, because when I meet a man he can not believe that I am single no one believes me, because they say I am so attrative I need help...

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I can relate to that I have a sister that does not sleep with her husband only every six months even if that. Me personaly my sex drive is high as well and when I am not seeing anyone I have to still have two orgasims a day. I use to the point to where if I had at least 20 minutes to spare before picking up my kids I would rush home and get it in real quick then leave like nothing has happened. I use to think my neighbors or someone new what I was up to LOL!



i'd rather have a girl who wanted it twice a day than a girl who wanted it twice a month...thats just boring, i agree, count yourself...and him...very lucky.


I agree. Your boyfriend has no idea how lucky he is. My girlfriend and I have sex maybe once every 2 or 3 months... although I am 450 miles away I still see her every 3 weeks

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