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Sister of a SI-i need help understanding

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Please help me. My sister informed my family a few months ago that she was cutting herself. I know that this forum is for people who suffer through SI, but i'm so desperate for help, i don't know where else to go. I knoww i shouldn't have, but i read her posts on another forum website. i just started to cry when i read them. she says that she wants to die and that she can't see any point in living. she feels alone and doesn't have anyone to talk to. i want her to talk to me. i want her to know that we care. i don't want her to die!!!!!! i'm so scared that one day we will get a phone call and find out she's dead. how do i talk to her? how do i help her to stop cutting? how do i help her to find the happiness in life? please anyone, give me some advice.



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she's cutting herself to get attention. she wants ppl to know that she has problems.


there are many ways u can help her.


talk to her, she need to share her feelings to make herself feel better.

if she don't want to share it with u, she can talk to phycologist. which that might cost u $100 or more for an hour.


if she is really thinking of killing herself, let ur parents know.

there are signs of planning to kill her self.

-she might give her things away.

-saying good bye to friends,families...

there are more, but i forgot.


some times those depresion goes away, some times it stays for a long period of tmes. and some times they can end their lives.


u can help ur sister. take some action!

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First, talk to her and remind her how much you and the rest of the family love her. Tell that you love her and tell her a lot.


Try calling the local hospital and ask for help. Try to get her to go in therapy. If need be get her institutionalized.

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It's touching that you care so much for your sister and that you worry about her. Those are things that will help her get her through this - let her know that you support her no matter what, and that all you want for her is exactly what you said: to stop self injuring, to stop thinking about suicide, and to be happy. But you have to realize, that these things are 1) not your fault; 2) not within your capacity to remedy; 3) not your job to assume responsibility for. Of course, you can be there to support her, tell her that you care for her and want her to get better, but it's not up to you to do this on your own!


If you see there is immediate danger in her situation, then talk to a parent or someone who can handle it. But for now, I'm assuming there's no immediate cause for concern, and that your parents are trying to help her out. For now, you need to focus on yourself, and do exactly what you requested in the subject of the post: learn to understand what's going on with your sister, read about it in books or the internet, and that will help you help her. You deserve someone to talk to for your own benefit - your situation is a difficult one, and you are under a lot of stress because of it; you need to talk out your fears and concerns with other people.


Just focus on being there for your sister, giving her someone to talk to and support her, but also focus on your own well being. Understanding is an important first step so that you don't chronically worry about whether your sister will wind up doing something that she regrets.

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m4viz. no. no. dont ever say people cut for attention, some people dont even WANT others to know that they cut. and dont say some bee ess about how cutting on your arms is to make people see it. actually, it feels better on your arms.

and now, confusedalot, just let your sister know you're there for her. and that you always will be. there are so many people these days that want to die and are depressed. just squeeze her hand and let her know she's not alone, no matter how alone she feels. also, if she starts to feel better, and is cutting less, and is less depressed, still be there for her. over 74% of people who are "getting better" fall back down and one reason for htat is lack of support because people stop caring if they think you're "cured".

im sorry. i dont know what else to say. hope it helped if only a little.

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she's cutting herself to get attention. she wants ppl to know that she has problems.


okay now this may be true, but that isnt a good evaluation. its unfair to say that about someone unless they go around going "I cut" or "Help i need attention" or just show it off as if its a good thing. they may just be showing that they need help or family love or something

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