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Everything posted by confusedalot

  1. Please help me. My sister informed my family a few months ago that she was cutting herself. I know that this forum is for people who suffer through SI, but i'm so desperate for help, i don't know where else to go. I knoww i shouldn't have, but i read her posts on another forum website. i just started to cry when i read them. she says that she wants to die and that she can't see any point in living. she feels alone and doesn't have anyone to talk to. i want her to talk to me. i want her to know that we care. i don't want her to die!!!!!! i'm so scared that one day we will get a phone call and find out she's dead. how do i talk to her? how do i help her to stop cutting? how do i help her to find the happiness in life? please anyone, give me some advice. a
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