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Hey I was just wondering if this was normal. Me and my ex have been over for around 6 months now and the break up was fine but the post break up has been really hard. We were never really friends to begin with and we tried to be after the break up but i kept doing no contact because it just hurt to much.


He found out about me trying to avoid him got pretty hurt etc. But now we seem to be better the dynamic is definitely different and I find the new dynamic hard to adapt to because he's pretty different and less nice. Last night was the first time it was just me and him with mutual friends since the break up and now I just really miss him and want things to be back to they were when we were together. There aren't really any signs that he wants that though so what should i do?

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It is best that you move on. Because what is done is done.


Don't dwell into the past. Do not have false hope of reconcilation, because it would hurt you more.


You could still be friends with your ex if you could handle the emotional stress come along with it. If you feel that you could not handle it, it is best that you stop contacting him, even tough he feel hurt that you avoiding him. The most important thing here is focusing on healing yourself.


You have to heal yourself first before you could go any further.

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i hate when people make a blanket statement such as "what's done is done" i know this isn't my thread, but it's not what was asked for. the rest is fine but over and over i see on this board blanket statements such as this and if we're here to support and help one another...saying something like that doesn't. the rest of it OK, but it the "what's done is done" statement that gets to me and other similar ones everytime.


maybe im just moody today? but i'm not sure it just doesn't feel like help

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So sorry, if you are offended by the blanklet statement "What is done is done" and "If it was meant to be".


No doubt that everyone situation is different, views are only given based on the information provided. Only yourself know it best. You could seek advice and choose to take which advice. This is a free world.

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