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So why don't we do it?


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Suicide is something a lot of people have wanted to do, attempted to do and in some cases, succeeded at. i know this because i've read a lot of people's posts and can sympathise. its something i think about a lot. i kinda go thru phases where sometimes i dont think of it at all, and sometimes its so consuming that it nearly drives me to attempt... but i never do.


so why is it that so many of us feel like there's no escape, like death is the only answer, and yet we remain alive and kicking? i dont quite understand it myself. i think maybe for me, its about knowing that id be cheating myself. i feel like its a coward's way out and that i should just work to make things better. sometimes im not so optimistic... the whole of idea of it does scare me tho.


i guess what im trying to say is that for all my big talk (in my head) about wanting to end my life, something is always stopping me. that is the case for (i think) the majority of us. what about other people? why, for all our want, do we not just do it?


***please PLEASE dont anybody reading this think that i am enouraging anyone to go and end their life. im simply interested as to why we do this to ourselves.

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i leave the day of my death to God. God decides when i had enough not me so he decides when my tiem is done


i really like your point swift44. its hopeful, gives us reason to keep goin. kinda like a "light at the end of the tunnel" sorta thing. like theres purpose for it all.

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Truthfully divine intervention has prevented me from either doing it or being successful at it. Suicidal thoughts/tendancies usually occur when I'm at a point in life that is demanding change, a change that goes against my tranditional beliefs and societies beliefs. My purpose in life must be to go against the grain because I certainly have, and it's not an easy road to travel.


The latest transition of sending my son to live with his father has nearly killed me (not kidding). It was THE hardest thing I have ever done, and I did it because it's what he needs at this time of his life (he's doing really well with his dad). When the cop said after my accident that I was lucky to be alive I just looked at him and shook my head. It's not the first time someone has said that to me. Really I've heard that about 3 or 4 times in life and always at times when the last thing I want is to be alive.


Sorry I went on a tangent. But the truth is I've pretty much learned I have to stick it out now. I made it this long I guess I'm in it for the duration now.

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Like Jetta said it is not an easy road to travel. I myself at some points in my life have felt exactly the way you are feeling right now. I think you have a pretty goood grip on it though, by some of the positive things I read in your post. One thing that jumped out at me was ....to do something about it, only you can do that. I have said this before but if you really get into it and think about it, your thought process can get very complicated when you get down.


And the hardest thing is to get out of your own head. When you learn to catch yourself doing it, scream something like "enough" and change your thought process. That is really when things starting getting better as you will find out. Your still young and have time to die later, why would you want o speed it up. Dust yourself off, and get back in the game called life.

And live is for the living, so start the process of living again. Take it easy till you get strong again.







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"Be kind. Everyone you meet is engaged in a great struggle." -Plato


You are not alone. There are lots of reasons to keep on living, keep the struggle up, not giving up.


Death in itself is something scary. No one has ever dies and lived to tell about it (please don't try to make sense of everything I'm writing). I can say the I've had a period where I was, not suicidal, but just not scared of dying. I didn't care whether I lived or died and was pretty much emotion less.


Another reason is that you leave a lot of people who loves you be hind. more people we think love us. we know that suicide is a cheap way out.


We can all find happiness. We can find it in the small things in life. Live for the moment. Be happy for what you have. The past we can't change and the future we can't shape. it is what happens now that matters. Forget yesterday for that is the past; don't worry about the future for that we can't influence. Live in the present. Be all you can be, a mother, a daughter, a lover. Know that you are loved.


Don't cast you live away, don't fill it with sad thoughts. Fill it with love and understanding. Love you brother and understand that you are NOT alone.



| You shouldn't say "I love you"

| unless you mean it,

| but if you mean it,

| you should say it a lot.

| People forget.— a Child


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Most people do have suicidal thoughts at times of deep struggle, pain or unhappiness.


I think everyone who doesn't do it; will have different reasons for how they couldn't find it within themselves to do it.


It could be: they thought about how family/friends would be left without them.

How their lives could change given half the chance.

The fear of not knowing if you're going into anything better.


For me: I wanted to fight, until the death that would inevitably take my life through natural causes at a later date.

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people don't do it because they want to love, they want to have hope. they don't want to hurt the people who they love and love them, and really, it's scary. even if you think you know what comes after death, you can't be COMPLETELY positive. man's greatest fear is the unknown.

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