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this one's for the guys...

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Well, here;s how I feel...


Personally, I think looks matter, at least initially. I don't mean a girl needs to be explosively hot, quite the contrary actually. I'm far more attracted to girl who don't flaunt their beauty. I suppose that means girls who are confident about themselves and don't pile on makeup and stuff. I think that people have to be at least marginally attracted to one another physically for things to work out. Personality is a huge factor too though.


and how do you mean bigger? However you mean it, whether stature, weight or bust, it all really depends. I'm 5'4" so I'm personally more comfortable with girls that are about my height. Weight, well, that's another delicate issue. I lost 16 pounds this summer. For myself but thought it has yet to show, also to be more physically attractive. This may sound callous to some people out there but, people who are overweight generally have the problem of being attracted to people who are in much better shape then they are. This gets complicated because those people usually wont find the other person attractive.


As humans, we can be fairly shallow creatures, at least initially, attracted based on looks. That's just how it is and unfortunately when you think about it an evolutionary sense, looks mean a whole lot more than personality.



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That's the beauty of humans.


Even if someone doesn't find you physically attractive at first - you can continue to see them as friends and one day they could fall in love with your personality. And I'm a big believer that when you've found someone's personality attractive - they become physically attractive.


As to the height/weight - If it's height; as a man I don't mind as I'm 6 foot tall and I don't mind if the girl is smaller than me or (in the unlikely event) bigger than me.


Weight - I don't really mind; of course I'd have to find them attractive. But I'm not shallow so I don't mind if they're not exactly slim. I'm not particularly attracted to heavy women however.

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well, the better you look, the easier it is to get my attention, of course. What happens after we've talked is something else. I saw a show named "newly weds (spelling?)" that told about Jessica Simpson and Nick something, some pop stars perhaps. Not sure about their names but celebrities anyway, the girl was very good looking but what an idiot she was! I would never spend time with her even if I got paid..


so yeah, you might need average looks to get me come up to you but with lack of personality you're sure to mess things up.


If guys don't come to you to talk, go talk to them. They won't say "you're ugly, don't want to talk with you". Instead they talk with you, in which case you can show your personality.


That is, if you're ugly which I don't think you are. I assume so because so many are too critical about their looks and worry too much about stupid stuff like that.

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This is the way that it is...


Most guys look at a girl first by how she looks...

I am a decent guy, I know that I don't want to go with a girl just because of her looks and I like talking to women just to talk to them.

However, I too will get turned on by a girl if she looks good...because that is the first thing that I see.


Now the thing is though that as many of the guys here have said...this is not the end result. For instance, I have had in my mind the type of girl that I wanted and such...I like big breast, want her to be a certain hieght, and so forth and she can't be a certain weight...Ok...but what has happened is that I notice that once I get to know these women...that does not matter as much and my vision of what a girl would have to look like in order for me to like her, changes real quick.


Like I am dating a hispanic woman right now...I really am into her...she does not have large breast and does not wear her hair long and is slightly thinner than I originally can remember me saying to myself..."well this is how she has to be or I won't date her"( that is me speaking to myself before I dated or even knew my current girlfriend)....


What changed all that...well she is an incredible woman and is not bad looking at all...actually I really like how she looks a lot now even though originally I may not have went looking for that...


So the physical...will play a big part if you are accross the room and can't talk to the guy and he doesn't know you...but there are more than one way to get a guy to know you and like you and to be with you...you have to have something inside...


So if you are pretty but what is termed a "b...." or just have a bad attitude...whatever that may be...then you will get the guy intitially but it won't last at all. If he is real horny, than he might deal with it a little just to bang you a little...and then dump you...so you have to have them both and the physical is appealing in the long term based on who you are as a person.

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5'10 for me is near perfect height. I'm 5'11.

When i'm with smaller girls I have to bend down sometimes, and well it's not much of a problem, but it would be easy to talk to someone of a level height. Also, in terms of genetics, my future sons/daughters most likely won't be small. Not saying being small is bad, just taller guys get less problems usually (ie easier to find shorter girls when older).


As for how they look, again this is differen't for everyone. The other day I spent an entire day with some girl friends, and we discussed this as I searched for a next potential candidate, and I concluded to my surprise that I liked girls more who didn't wear make up or short skirts, but the more 'smarter'/'classier', natural looking girl. However, thats not 100% always the case.

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Looks mean nothing to me, its always been about who they person is. I have always been attracted to a girls personality, her heart, her mind, etc. first. Once I start liking them for who they are, then I notice there physical appearance. I start noticing the little things about them like how great there smile makes me feel. I see how beautiful there exterior is to go along with the beautiful interior.


I've liked girls that were very different physically. So my tastes really have nothing to do with that. As far as big girls, if she has a big heart to go along with it then I'm fine. Weight doesn't matter.

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Looks are important, but it isn't everything. You can date a very attractive person with an ugly personality and character. I think you need a balance of everything.


I prefer females that I can have a good conversation with, someone that I know I can trust, someone with a good attitude in life. I don't care too much for looks, height, hair color, but I do somewhat care about weight.

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This is how I see it. Looks are the first thing I notice, but I surprise my self sometimes with my indecisiveness. One minute I won't be attracted to someone and then something will happen or change and then I won't be able to get them off my mind. I think the key is to offer a man something that he doesn't already have. Something that not every girl can give him. Anyone can dye their hair blonde and wear a skirt. Often times, I don't understand my sudden attraction to certain girls. I don't think there is a word to describe it, but this much I know, personality is a big part of it.

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see, i am a little heavier. I'm not like HUGE or anything like that. I don't really wear makeup or short skirts and my hair is not blonde. Most people i meet think i'm around 18. someone even thought that my niece was my kid!! (she's 2) i am more of the quiet, into reading and good music stuff. i don't really care for new "trends" that much either. i am pretty smart too. it's not like i have an outrageously huge IQ though.

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Hot girls are nice at first, but the attraction begins to dicipate when thats all they have to offer me. After spending time with them, you begin to wonder what this person has to offer you besides her looks. I mean its cool at first to have a hot girl friend, especially when you go out and all the guys check her out. But it gets frustrating when your havning dinner and you leave to go the the restroom, come back and find guys are sitting on your seat talking to her.

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