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Just a quick question... post your opinion


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Yeah, my question is pretty simple:


Well, I'm still in highschool, and I have a question that maybe is easier to answer by ppl in my age range (cause they're in similar situations), but anyone can answer really: Is it ok to try to socialize or befriend, or talk or whatever with girls (and even ppl in general) even if they're not in any of your classes or clubs? I mean I know it's harder, but that don't mean it's impossible, right?


The reason I ask if it's ok is that maybe some ppl will think it just complicates things, or whatever... I guess, I dunno. If you think it's cool, plz I'd be very thankful if you post tips or ideas on starting a convo with ppl you don't know like that... Thank you.

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Dead Eyes,


People are people. You should try and make new friends regardless of some silly social class or clique. It definitely forces you out of your comfort zone. And who knows, you may enjoy talking to people outside your social circle than ones that are inside of it.


I almost always never have anything in common with cheerleaders, but I have a couple girl friends who are cheerleaders, and, even though I don't have much in common with them, it's always a good change to talk to someone outside of my social circle sometimes.


High school is always a "cool" thing. If you're not "cool" you're not it. Forget about that. Who cares what people think about you. People should not be labeled.

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i'm your age and I think that it's awesome to talk to people you usually would not hang around...

it leaves you open to new interests and possibly new friends...

by being social (that does not mean being in a clique), but by being out there and outgoing, you can kinda find who you really are (I know that sounds corny and even slightly cliche) but in highschool, I found that you can really find yourself if you talk and become friendly and intimate with other people...

it helps you get a grasp of the world from a new point of view...

and it's a great way of meeting new personalities and having new experiences...

to answer your question...Yes it is fine, and I encourage it

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When I was in high school I would usually talk to people from all sorts of groups. It got me the label as a floater, but people didn't care. I also got more out of it than most of the students as well since I was able to talk to people from all sides of life and everything. Heck even out of high school I still talk to people of all walks of life. I plan to keep it like that as long as possible to.

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Well, the thing is that I don't worry about cliques and such... I worry about others thinking it's weird or whatever... You know ppl nowadays wanna say everbody's creepy just cause they do something not absolutely everybody does... But then again, I think I shouldn't care about what the others think... It's not that I care about being "cool" or "popular" but I hardly meet any ppl at all... So, I'd like to change that. But I'm not very good at starting conversations with ppl I don't know (or don't know what I have in common with... so yeah, this could help me get better too), so if anyone has some tips don't hesitate to post. Thank you.

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