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Lied of when last time he had sex

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My current bf, when we first met said he hadnt had sex in four months before he met me. We have been together 6 months and have talked about past relationships and dates and sex partners and it turns out, now somehow he said he hadnt had sex in like 2 weeks before he met me. I was upset he said four months when he had been with someone so recently before we had sex. Should I be mad at him? Why did he lie?

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Probably because he didn't want to scare you off by looking like a player.


Let it go unless he lies to you about other things. And don't keep talking too much about prior sexual history other than to be reassured about STDs.

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he seems to lie about very little things, or he doesnt lie but he calls them "mistakes" like oh i meant this or hes not usre about exact things. He has told me the number he has been with and its pretty high, so just that hurts me in and of itself. How can i let go of his sexual past? I am always thinking of it and I get hurt and a bit jealous even thoguh he didnt know me at that time. He says hes a diff person now that he met me, and he loves me and Im everything he never knew he wanted, I just hope hes not feeding me lines....I just dont want to be played or lied to. He has had two gf, and he said I love you to them. but he said after they broke up he realized he never loved them. How am I suposed to believe he really loves me?

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Give it time and go by his actions. But stop pressuring him about his past relationships. It's really not your business and it will not serve you.


You either trust him or you don't. That is a decision you have to make. If you don't trust him then let him go.


But if you do let him go - remember that your attitude over any future partner's prior relationships will probably have the same result as in this case.


Concentrate on making this relationship a good one. Let the past stay in the past.

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If you have a problem with how many partners he has and you think that means you can't trust him then break up with him. Let him find someone who doesn't pressure him about private stuff and loves him for who he is while you find someone who meets your criteria.


Make sure when you do meet someone that you are prepared to answer every question he has about your sexual history honestly and also be prepared that he might think however many people you have slept with is too many.

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