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Hey this is just a quick question.

My ex and I only talk a few times per week, she broke up with me a few months ago, and in the first month after our break up we spent a lot of time together, then she would go back and forth telling her friends she likes me, or she doesn't.


But when she comes online on IM, within 3 seconds of signing on, she reads my away message. Obviously it's the first thing she does when she comes online. She also does it when she's online status, and goes to 'away' .. right before she goes away she'll read it, and then leave.


It's like she wants to know what i'm doing.. but not talking to me.

I sometimes feel like talking to her, usually I would have, but in the past month or more i've given her lots of space. A few days ago a guy asked her out who is 2 years younger than her , (he's 13) and the two of them have known each other for 2 weeks.. that's it!


He doesn't seem to be too available either, and his mom seems quite strict. I feel that once school starts next week she'll stay with him for a while and realize he's too young/immature, and break up with him. I get my license in less than a month too.


What's all your input on why she reads my away as soon as she comes online? Clearly before any of her other friends, and her new boyfriend.

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