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i think i am an obsessive ex-girlfriend. can't stop calling. can't stop fixating on what could have been. torment myself with feelings of i'll never meet someone like him again. feel like i have no idea where to meet people. what to do. feel so dang lonely. does anyone have any suggestions at all as to how to get out of this vicious cycle and on with my life? and how to do something else everytime i want to pick up the phone and call him or get in my car and drive over there? it's absolutely destroying me. thanks for any thoughts.

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Everytime you want to pick up the phone or drive by his house tell yourself this " I look like a psycho ex gf " and hopefully you will stop yourself from doing it. I should know... I stalked my ex too. It's really sad, but it's so hard to let go sometimes.


Funny thing about it is that the more you push like this the more they pull away. Whatever the reasons for the break up you are justifying him by behaving this way. You are better than this and you know it. ( he once told me " you do this and it's like you have no self-control. Ouch! )


Next time you want to call... call a friend instead, take a long bath, shave your legs, do your nails....anything that isn't picking up the phone. It takes baby steps but you have to force yourself to change your ways.

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Right away find this book at a local bookstore. "He's Scared, She's Scared: Understanding the fears that sabotage your relationships" by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol. I just found it and started reading it myself and couldn't put it down. It perfectly describes my own actions after the breakup, feeling obsessive like I needed to call him and how that just pushes them more away. It also describes the fear of commitment that goes into breakups many times and it perfectly describes what happened with my ex- how he left, how sudden it was, how he has acted since the breakup. Contacting ex's who are looking for space will only push them away more. Many times they are running because they feel suffocated. It isn't anything you did. It is their own fears coming into play. However even if you contact them lovingly thinking if you just offer enough love, understanding and support, they will come around- you are wrong unfortunately. In their mind, nothing you say or do right now will change their mind. You need to let go and work on yourself even if you have hopes of ever getting back together.


This is an excerpt from the book, "Frequently when someone with an active commitment conflict is running away from a relationship, his or her behavior seems so odd and out of control that the passive partner feels that something can be done or said to change the course of events. This is not the case. Anything you might do to try to stop it, no matter how loving, will be interpreted as a kind of entrapment. It does not make things better."


It can become a vicious cycle because many times when they feel you are moving on, they come back for another round. That is why this book is so helpful. You can skip around to parts that apply to you but it is just really helpful and I feel it could answer questions to most posts I see on the board. Good luck and post here when you feel like calling your ex- just don't call!

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Life will go on and so will you. The key here is that you have learned a lesson in love. We all have them and we all have had major heartbreak in all of our lives. Time heals all and it will heal you too.


Stay Busy, and make some new friends. Fill that void you used to spend with him. Do "SOMETHING" anything.....but think of him.


May you find some peace of mind real soon.


Be Strong, you can and will get through this.





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