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pregant questions

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1/2- the signs wont appear for a few weeks maybe 2 that is when you can take the test


3- there will be no signs by the time you have take the morning after pill by


4- there has to be cum in side of you ie."vagina" so if he did not cum there or just before he put it in there is very little chance of you begin pregnant


and 5"my own" if you are planning on having sex at all i would suggest you go talk to your doctor and get on the pill and use condoms. besides have have fun but stay safe.

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ok so 1-what are the signs of being pregant?

2- when do the signs appear?

3-if no signs appear in 2 days do you take the morning after pill?

4- Can you get pregant if you just gave a guy head and he didnt cum and then 2 mins later puts penis in you for 7 seconds?


There are many signs, but they won't show up only a couple days after. It takes a week for an egg to implant and start releasing hormones. If you miss your period, that is the best time to take a test..two weeks after conception or more is when tests are more accurate and more signs may appear.


Um..no, the morning after pill is to be taken within 72 hours after unsafe sex. Its not something that works much after that, though sometimes it does. Idea is to take it before any pregnancy symptoms...


As I said in a PM to you...it is possible. If you were giving him oral, there may have been small amounts of pre-ejaculate..while it is not AS likely as if he had cum, there is still a chance. MANY girls and women get pregnant using the "withdrawl method" (removing before they cum) so it is not very saife is it? I have seen failure rates for it as high as 30-40%.


Use a condom EVERY time, and I suggest you also talk to your doctor about the birth control, Nuva Ring, the path or another form of contraception.


Read this:


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now i cant answer your questions on the whole pregnancy signs, but i cna tell you that the best sexual protection is a lack of sexual contact. if you dont want to run the risk of being pregnant, dont do it. our society today tries to tell us that everything is ok as long as we are safe, that is wrong and decietful and it is the reason so many relationships go straight to hell (even if they go on for a while). im not saying that premarital sex ruins your life, but i am saying that life is choices. try to make the right ones. good luck.



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now i cant answer your questions on the whole pregnancy signs, but i cna tell you that the best sexual protection is a lack of sexual contact. if you dont want to run the risk of being pregnant, dont do it. our society today tries to tell us that everything is ok as long as we are safe, that is wrong and decietful and it is the reason so many relationships go straight to hell (even if they go on for a while). im not saying that premarital sex ruins your life, but i am saying that life is choices. try to make the right ones. good luck.




Sex is not the reason relationships go "straight to hell" - a lack of communication with one another, a lack of honesty, commitment, respect, trust, and the inability to handle the pressures of life together are what "destroys" relationships. If they go "straight to hell" after sex, it was already on its way there.


I don't think society tells us if we are safe we are okay - read the link I put above, it just tells us if we make the choice to have sexual contact to protect ourselves and educate ourselves the best we can while making those choices. It is true no protection is 100%, and any doctor will tell you that when you go get birth control and anyone considering sex should read up on the options.


I don't think pre-marital sex is the issue - as someone in a long term relationship I can say that our sexual relationship is a beautiful thing that adds strength and intimacy to our relationship. Personally I would NOT marry someone without knowing how our sexual compatibily would be! But I know not everyone feels that way. And if I were to become pregnant, my partner and I are committed to one another and it would not be the "worse thing" ever - of course we are also older, more established and quite committed.


I think EXTRA-marital sex is a far greater problem!

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i dont want to start a debate or anything, i merely wanted to give my opinion that sex is something meant to be between one man and one woman. not passed around like a peace pipe (no offense to anyone who thinks i might be calling them a whore, im not).


anyway, hope your relationship turns out what you want it to be.


ps i dont feel that premarital sex sends relationships to hell, but making a connection through wht you said, communication is the key, and sometimes a guy shows more interest in sex than communication, in some cases, the girl will be easily dominated and the relationship turns into something it wasnt meant to be.

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