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What does together mean to you?

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My Bf and i both have myspace...and i was reading his blog tonight, (a blog is like an online journal), while i was reading it he seemed to have a lot on his mind. i feel really bad b/c he wrote this : "had so many different relationships, and now my GF and I are moving in together. Together, what does it mean? Physically being at each others side? Mentally knowing that they are there for you? Or, knowing in your heart, you are not alone.

What does "together" mean for you?"

it got me thinking that maybe he doesn't want to be with me or i'm doing something wrong? i'm not even totally sure what together means. I guess to me it means that you are there both mentally and physically there for each other and that there is nothing that is going to take that away from either of u, b/c the one will always be there for the other. and no bank, company, or corperation will ever separate you from your significant other.

So what does "TOGETHER" mean?

I'm so confused on how to take this and whats going on... I guess the BIG anser i'm looking for is what Together means?

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it means.. taking on this thing called life, working with eachother, being there through everything, picking eachother up when your down.. the list goes on. when you are truley in love, being "together" is the best feeling.. also never forget that your partner IS still an individual human being, there will be times, especially living together, that you will not want to do EVERYTHING together. worry not, this is normal and healthy.

embrace it!

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