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tease her yo please her


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So you would like it if a female you don't know came up to you and insinuated that she wouldn't go out with you cause your not rich enough? Some people have strange turn ons.


It's a joke. You aren't supposed to actually mean her chances are ruined because she isn't rich enough. Quite easy to pull off if you know how to tell jokes.

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Don't tease, aim to please.


You catch more flies with honey....


I've tried being the "nice guy" and it never worked (now I guess I'm a little too un-nice... But then again, sometimes you're required to be like that to survive others' hostility). I don't really know how to tease girls, which is one factor that contributes to my disastrous (or non-existent) romatic life. So I don't think pleasing only is the answer, because I would've gotten tons of girls if I had kept acting like I used to. It's teasing man. Plus I believe it's never good to be too nice. One of my best friends (he's an old friend I've known since like kindergarten... unfortunately we don't even live in the same country anymore...) always has had like all the girls in school after him. Everytime he'd go to a party, he'd make girls go insane too. He teases them A LOT and I mean A LOT, and you would think it's too much, but they love it. I've seen it... And he's always confident and cool man. To me, he's like an updated young version of James Bond, lol. Believe me man, I wouldn't be saying all this if it wasn't true...


And I get teasing. I also get how sensitive people may not like it. Try accidently hurting someones feelings because of a stupid bit of teasing that never needed to be said.


And to that, all I've got to say is: are you sure they are sensitive, or just insecure? Now, nobody likes insecure ppl (you know, the ones who want to beat you up just cause you said one single stupid thing that's not even such a big deal?). So, if say, a guy tried to tease a girl and she got pissed, I bet the guy would think she's a jerk (not to use another word, lol). Would he want to go for her? Does she deserve you to be nice to her even though she'd slap you for one single dumb thing you were "making" fun of? I mean, if you made fun of her lil bro or her mom, that'd be a whole other story. But if you said something about her earings, as someone mentioned before and she bites your head off, would she have really been worth it?


I mean, in the end some degree of niceness is required of course. And compliments are a big help. But teasing is also necessary. It makes girls understand you have indeed a sense of humor. If she needs to laugh, you will be able to bring her the laughter. I mean, it's gotta be balanced too, cause being too nice will make her think you're just insecure and desperate, while being a jerk will make her think you're, well, a jerk. But teasing is necessary if it's in a fun way. Believe me, I used to know this girl, since she was new in school, I thought there was probably no chance she was taken, so I started talking to her. I complimented her more than a couple of times, but I never teased her (cause I didn't know how to... and still don't... My concept of humor is different from others'). She never showed a hint of attraction towards me. She instead appeared to be crazy for the class's clown. Everything he said cracked her up even if it wasn't funny, and he'd tease her and make her laugh, and she looked like she was crazy for him. And it was ok, cause in the end we were pretty much friends and I wasn't interested in her anymore (I guess I sorta gave up on that, plus there are tons of other girls).


Anyway, that's just what I've learned from personal experience.

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Thanks guys, reading all these posts is great. It's giving me that daily dosage of laughter that I need.


It's a joke. You aren't supposed to actually mean her chances are ruined because she isn't rich enough. Quite easy to pull off if you know how to tell jokes.


Yes, and the wink was suppose to show I was making a joke about the joke. Thing is, how is she suppose to know its a joke? You are saying this to a stranger, not someone who knows you and your strange sense of humor. Ever thought that maybe this girl has issues with money, or comes from a background where money was always a problem and she had to scrap by? Maybe she is working at the grocery store (to use the example) because shes trying to support a kid by herself? In these instances the women could be sensitive about the topic and then all you've done is been rude to her for no reason. It's not so much about how you act, its how the other person is going to respond. Instead of thinking about yourself, think about others.


And you can make a joke, have fun, flirt with someone without doing that. My dad is always making stupid jokes, even at the checkout counter. But he doesn't need to put her down to do it. He'll ask if the item is on sale or if they are running a get one free deal. Gets a smile, gets a laugh, and no chance of being taken the wrong way. Of course, he's married so its not like hes hitting on them. But the point is, anything you can do with teasing, you can do better without.


To me, he's like an updated young version of James Bond, lol. Believe me man, I wouldn't be saying all this if it wasn't true...


So he is like a guy who sleeps with a girl in one movie and then we never hear from that girl again? And this is something to be proud of?


Now, nobody likes insecure ppl (you know, the ones who want to beat you up just cause you said one single stupid thing that's not even such a big deal?). So, if say, a guy tried to tease a girl and she got pissed, I bet the guy would think she's a jerk (not to use another word, lol). Would he want to go for her?


She's sensitive and the nicest most caring person I have ever known. But she is hard on herself and has gone through alot that has hurt her deep down. So making these teasing comments that have been suggested, doesn't help her self esteem and reminds her of the jerks that have hurt her before. I want this to last with us, which means I need to be aware of and understanding of her feelings. And if she needs a nice guy to help undo the damage all the jerks have done, then that's who I will be. She isn't that word you wouldn't use, far from it. And even if she is insecure, don't you think those are the kind of people who need more love? If everyone turns away from them, that will make them more insecure.


If she needs to laugh, you will be able to bring her the laughter.


I make her laughs. Actually, I'd be a good clown, if I didn't think clowns were evil.


Remember how you and one girl would tease and fight and say you hate each other? You would pull her pigtails and she would kick you in the nads, but what was really going on


Sorry, I was always too mature for those sill games. I mean, we're not little kids anymore. It's called growing up. I bet you still think girls have cooties, right?


ShySoul, from what I've read, you attract girls with your niceness as friends rather than something more


Your right, except for the four girls saying they liked me as more then friends or have feelings for me. One of them saying she would want to go out with me, make out with me..... How's that for sexual tension? There are several other girls who have done a good share of flirting with me, but of whom things weren't right for anything else.


The point of playfull teasing isn't to insult or degrade anyone, it's to create sexual tension.


You know if you claim to have this success recently, what actually happened?


So, what did happen? Well, details are not to be disclosed as a gentleman doesn't say. But I spent the weekend visiting the gal of my dreams. When asked what she likes about me, first thing she always says is how nice I am. And eventually we spent most of the day simple holding each other, talking about things, sharing parts of our hearts with each other, saying how we liked each other, and topping it all off with the most romantic first kiss you'll find. It was perfect.


That I am so sweet and nice to her has attracted her more, not less. So being the non teasing "nice guys" works. And I've got the proof now to back it up.

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You are saying this to a stranger, not someone who knows you and your strange sense of humor.


Exactly you want her to keep her on the edge of her seat (lol) while doing this, it makes her want to know what's going to happen next which is unpredictability = attractive.


Ever thought that maybe this girl has issues with money, or comes from a background where money was always a problem and she had to scrap by? Maybe she is working at the grocery store (to use the example) because shes trying to support a kid by herself? In these instances the women could be sensitive about the topic and then all you've done is been rude to her for no reason
lmao. First of all what we really say when we're talking to people in person is 7% of what is really being understood. 38% is voice tone, and the rest is non-verbal. If voice tone is playful then that's obviously going to impact it a lot. And if our body language is open(no crossed arms, crossed legs, etc.) flirting, and more than likely to laugh a bit it's obviously positive so the girl will understand that your NOT offending her. Playful teasing,..serious? XD.



Sorry, I was always too mature for those sill games. I mean, we're not little kids anymore. It's called growing up. I bet you still think girls have cooties, right?

Your never too old to have some REAL fun with girls . Too mature I believe is boring. Mature is ok, too mature = you are dry like toast.





When asked what she likes about me, first thing she always says is how nice I am. And eventually we spent most of the day simple holding each other, talking about things, sharing parts of our hearts with each other, saying how we liked each other, and topping it all off with the most romantic first kiss you'll find. It was perfect.

Hmm I'd rather go out for bowling, mini-golf of ice skating and then talk for a hour or 2(tease her when appropriate ) and then cuddle up and watch a movie lol, whatever works for you. Though I think your getting too mushy. When your too mushy it usually doesn't last that long..well that's at least my experience.
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I'll admit, you make a few good points, ShySoul.


But the point isn't to ALWAYS joke. It's to show her that you are actually an interesting person, not someone who just showers her with compliments, gets girls just for the hell of it, or ever someone who jokes too much.


Remember how you and one girl would tease and fight and say you hate each other? You would pull her pigtails and she would kick you in the nads, but what was really going on



Sorry, I was always too mature for those sill games. I mean, we're not little kids anymore. It's called growing up. I bet you still think girls have cooties, right?


First of all, you can't tell me you were too mature at the age of 6 to tease your peers. Aside, the aim is not to act like a little kid. It's to spark and bring out thespunky little girl in her (i.e. sense of fun and lightheartedness), at the same time challenging her. It will keep her interested and entertained.


One of them saying she would want to go out with me, make out with me..... How's that for sexual tension?


It sounds like the sexual tension was totally broken. I wouldn't go with someone who throws it out there like that.


So making these teasing comments that have been suggested, doesn't help her self esteem and reminds her of the jerks that have hurt her before. I want this to last with us, which means I need to be aware of and understanding of her feelings. And if she needs a nice guy to help undo the damage all the jerks have done, then that's who I will be. She isn't that word you wouldn't use, far from it. And even if she is insecure, don't you think those are the kind of people who need more love? If everyone turns away from them, that will make them more insecure.


Youre right. It is important to take in consideration for other people's feelings. Moral and emotional support is always a good thing. But would you really "enjoy" someone taking pity on you, always giving you help when all the emotional support you need is some playfull laughter? I would appreciate someone taking the time to have fun with me as an equal, not someone offering an unnecessary shoulder to cry on all the time. Not to mention that she'll probably get used to you saying how you love her some much. She stay interested if you keep her on her toes. This doesn't mean pretend you don't love her, of course. Just don't feed her the same stuff every time you meet.


And from a different viewpoint, someone who cant take a simple, playful joke and whos insecurities obscure us from having a good time together, or someone who is so proud and uptight that they can't laugh at themselves once in a while probably isn't someone I want to waste my time with.


When interacting with women/girls, you want to keep them interested, charmed, and safe all at the same. You don't want to use c0cky and funy 100%, but you don't want to be timid and passive 100% either. As a matter of fact, you dont want to be timid or passive at all. You should be a c0cky/funny/challenging person, at the same time being an understanding and considerate person who still isn't afraid to put his foot down and voice what he needs.

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This is fun guys. Glad I just talked to her and got some more ammo for this heated debate.


Exactly you want her to keep her on the edge of her seat (lol) while doing this, it makes her want to know what's going to happen next which is unpredictability = attractive.


I can be as unpredictable as they come. I've got a quick wit and the things I say can come out of nowhere. My mind tends to think differently then most, so I'm good at seeing things from angles most would never consider. That keeps them on the edge of their seat. And if everyone starts following this arrogany and funny routine, its going to get predictable. Girls are smart and perceptive. They can spot guys pulling this stuff a mile away. And any girl who is really worth it, wouldn't buy it.


And if our body language is open(no crossed arms, crossed legs, etc.) flirting, and more than likely to laugh a bit it's obviously positive so the girl will understand that your NOT offending her. Playful teasing,..serious?


You know, I thought this over. You are still missing the point, you may hit on something that she is sensitive about. Then all the jokes in the world will be no good cause she'll take offense to them. But even if you don't want to say serious, I thought of another word that I've heard girls use to describe guys like that... sleezy.


Your never too old to have some REAL fun with girls . Too mature I believe is boring. Mature is ok, too mature = you are dry like toast.


Your 15? Don't be worrying about REAL fun with girls just yet. And the weekend I had, well that was the most fun I've ever had. As far as maturity goes, dry toast is pretty good.


Hmm I'd rather go out for bowling, mini-golf of ice skating and then talk for a hour or 2(tease her when appropriate ) and then cuddle up and watch a movie lol, whatever works for you. Though I think your getting too mushy. When your too mushy it usually doesn't last that long..well that's at least my experience.


Bowling was our first meeting back 6 months ago. Mini-golf was the original plan for that day. But she came down with an ear infection that was bugging her, so she needed to take it easy. And if your going to be stuck indoors all day, why not spend it holding someone you care about? As far as mushy, after 7 months this is the first time we had the chance to do this. It's lasting this long, through all kinds of stuff. And from the way she's talking, it will last alot longer.


It's to show her that you are actually an interesting person, not someone who just showers her with compliments, gets girls just for the hell of it, or ever someone who jokes too much


She sure seems to think I'm an interesting person, who can joke and have fun, while providing plenty of compliments. You can joke, have fun, mess around. But you don't need to tease to do it.


First of all, you can't tell me you were too mature at the age of 6 to tease your peers. Aside, the aim is not to act like a little kid. It's to spark and bring out thespunky little girl in her (i.e. sense of fun and lightheartedness), at the same time challenging her. It will keep her interested and entertained.


Nope, never teased. I was always as nice as they come. Again, I joke. I make her laugh. I bring out the sense of fun and lightheartedness in her. But I never have to say one teasing thing to do it. From the start we were able to have four hour chats online, every night. If I wasn't keeping her interested and entertained, why would she have kept that up?


It sounds like the sexual tension was totally broken. I wouldn't go with someone who throws it out there like that.


Ya, but I can get that kind of reaction. And I got it by being nice and complimenting her. I would never have done anything, for a number of other reason. But in being nice you can touch a women in the one place that really drives her wild... her heart.


But would you really "enjoy" someone taking pity on you, always giving you help when all the emotional support you need is some playfull laughter


It's not pity, its sympathy. This girl is a very strong and stubborn one, always the one others turn to. So what she needs is someone who she can turn to. And I do it in any way I can. I say sweet things to her, making her feel special and wanted. I make a joke, making her laugh.


Not to mention that she'll probably get used to you saying how you love her some much. She stay interested if you keep her on her toes.


Been the nice guy quick with a compliment since I met her, her interest hasn't stopped yet. And when you love someone, and those comments are sincere and from the heart, they don't get old.


As a matter of fact, you dont want to be timid or passive at all. You should be a c0cky/funny/challenging person, at the same time being an understanding and considerate person who still isn't afraid to put his foot down and voice what he needs.


Timid and passive has worked for me. She's said that shes not used to someone like me, that her previous relationships the guy has been more aggressive. Yet, where are those guys know? And after all this time, she's still interested in me, even though I am timid? I say what I need, I voice my opinion. But I do it in a way that doesn't come our arrogant. She's been there, done that, sick of it. Now she's got a nice guy and everything seems to be super. She was impressed by the fact that I could spend hours just holding her and not expect anything more, taking my time about how far things progress. And if you don't think I'm not keeping her interested, how come just a couple hours ago she told me that she had stayed up despite being tired, so that she could catch me online? And how she wishes I was right there with her now?


And I never had to tease a lick....

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I'm done arguing with you, this is a pointless argument because you will never accept the fact that teasing actually works on 99% of women and it doesn't hurt their emotions XD, it does more good then bad how about you try it for yourself, Or are you just too afraid? Hey at least I tryed being nice one time in my life.


. Glad I just talked to her and got some more ammo for this heated debate.
You got help....lol...weaaakkk.


And if everyone starts following this arrogany and funny routine, its going to get predictable.
Unless your cheesy you will tease the same thing everytime, yet the ROUTINE becomes predictable but the tease is different and that's what creates the emotion. Plus, it's not like you use it all the time, it's only when necessary. Like for example if the topic is on something simple and boring like school you need to lighten it up to get the girl comfortable and interested in what you have to say.


And any girl who is really worth it, wouldn't buy it.

Just because some girls don't like soft people like you doesn't mean there not "worth it". There is plenty of girls out there that are worth it that actually like c0cky and funny talk, how would you know if they weren't worth it?


thought of another word that I've heard girls use to describe guys like that... sleezy.
...I'm supposed to be insulted?


They can spot guys pulling this stuff a mile away
I've read Body Language by Julius Fast..enough said.
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To me, he's like an updated young version of James Bond, lol. Believe me man, I wouldn't be saying all this if it wasn't true...


So he is like a guy who sleeps with a girl in one movie and then we never hear from that girl again? And this is something to be proud of?


Well not really. I never said that. Because actually other guys have teased him about not taking "advantage" like that. By James Bond I meant he had success with women and was real smooth, not that he was a manwhore. I just forgot to say that, cause he's MY FRIEND and whatever he does is none of your business unless you know him too, which I seriously doubt. And sadly, but true, yes, that is something most guys (especially in college) are proud of, but not him, cause he'd never do that.


Anyway, like I said before you can't be wayy too nice, to the point you're a slave and appear to have no pride in yourself, but you can't be a jerk either. It's all in the balance. Or course nobody wants to be treated like a jerk, but everyone wants somebody with a sense of humor but who also happens to distinguish serious situations from situations where the humor is welcome. So if I were to say who I agree the most with, I would say it is JRM. Joking lets her know you have a sense of humor and are not just a robot that can only compliment her, and when you make her laugh, it creates more of a relaxed environment. It's just what I believe. Nobody has to agree with me. But if simply complimenting (even if you make the girl laugh sometimes) did it, I would have a girlfriend already.


Nope, never teased. I was always as nice as they come. Again, I joke. I make her laugh. I bring out the sense of fun and lightheartedness in her. But I never have to say one teasing thing to do it. From the start we were able to have four hour chats online, every night. If I wasn't keeping her interested and entertained, why would she have kept that up?


does that mean by innocent teasing your a "bad guy"? I don't think so man. Even brothers and sisters play games on each other, and does that mean they're evil or bad? I dunno man.


Teasing is necessary. I'm not saying complimenting isn't. I mean, if there are no compliments on your part she will not believe you like her or are attracted to her. But the results of teasing are different from anything else man.... I mean, I can tell the difference between their laugh after they've been teased and their laugh after say, they've heard a good joke. It sounds very different.


Anyway, I don't feel like arguing really. I guess it's like it's already been said: different types of girls will be looking for different types of guys. So, it's whatever your's likes what is best.

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You got help....lol...weaaakkk


It's motivation. Closer we get, more I know I was right all along and can use to prove it.


it does more good then bad how about you try it for yourself, . Or are you just too afraid? Hey at least I tryed being nice one time in my life.


More good then having countless female friends, having several females show interest in me, and having the most amazing girl I've ever known falling for me? I'm not scared of anything. I just stick to what works and who I am, and who I am seems to be working wonders.


Plus, it's not like you use it all the time, it's only when necessary. Like for example if the topic is on something simple and boring like school you need to lighten it up to get the girl comfortable and interested in what you have to say.


Then crack a joke about schools in general, or that crazy teacher you had back in 10th grade. I know I've had enough weird teachers with crazy antics that would keep her laughing for hours. No reason to tease her. If it's never necessary, why do it?


I'm supposed to be insulted?


Nope, just hopefully concerned.


I've read Body Language by Julius Fast..enough said.


And this is suppose to be impressive? I talked to a real life person about body language, a girl no less, and the girl I'm seeing. Plus being shy I'm a natural observor of human behavior and body language.


And sadly, but true, yes, that is something most guys (especially in college) are proud of, but not him, cause he'd never do that.


Never was implying anything about your friend. I was just pointing out that being like James Bond isn't necessarily a good thing. The focus wasn't on sleeping with the girl, it's on the fact that his "success" is in having all kinds of flings and attracting women. But is that really success, or is the real measure of success having a long, serious, committed relationship?


Joking lets her know you have a sense of humor and are not just a robot that can only compliment her, and when you make her laugh, it creates more of a relaxed environment


My point has always been that there is a difference in joking and teasing. I joke, I don't tease. Teasing by its very nature is based off of something mean and rude, even if done in a "friendly" way. Joking is something humorous or off the wall that helps her be in a good mood. Basically, do you find vulgar and mean humor funny, or do you like something clean and clever?


does that mean by innocent teasing your a "bad guy"?


If you've really made attention to my posts you would know that I consider everyone to be good people, no one is evil or bad at heart. The actions on the other hand, I don't think are right.


Teasing isn't necessary, and I'm proof of that. You can have everything and then some without teasing. I can also tell the difference between their reaction after a tease and a joke, the joke and the compliment gives such a greater reaction.


Real reason people rely on teasing: it's easy. It's easy to resort to school yard tactics, to find a way of putting someone down, even under the guise of "having fun." It's harder to take the high road and not sink there. Most people simple can't do it.

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Never was implying anything about your friend. I was just pointing out that being like James Bond isn't necessarily a good thing. The focus wasn't on sleeping with the girl, it's on the fact that his "success" is in having all kinds of flings and attracting women. But is that really success, or is the real measure of success having a long, serious, committed relationship?


well you're 22, I'm 17 and still in high school. If you asked me what I'd rather have I'd say the long serious committed relationship. But I guess most ppl my age think that kinda stuff is a joke. I mean, who wants to have a relationship that lasts more than 2 months? Not them...


And about the reaction thingy, I meant to say that the joke was just a laugh, and that's it. Common crude laughter anyone can have while watching comedy central. The laugh you get from teasing is something else. You can sense the interest, the satisfaction they feel about being noticed. Everyone wants attention, and teasing is the way to go if you want to give attention without too much complimenting. I mean, haven't you noticed that sometimes girls might hit you when you tease them? But it's a flirty kind of slap they might give you not meant to do any harm (and it doesn't hurt) and some laughs, contrary to when you say something that might be offensive, where they might slap you in the face and leave their hand imprinted upon your cheek. That's because you didn't mean to put her down. It's like when a girl says she looks fat when she obviously isn't, she just wants the attention... You can choose to say "of course not" or you can say in a playful sarcastic tone of voice "yep. I think I could pinch an inch right there". Of course if you say "you betcha" like the guy in the commercial, in a regular tone of voice you'll make her mad. That's the difference.


Well man, I guess it's up to the person in the end to do whatever he wants. I mean, you got yourself a girl by doing things your own way, so I guess it can't be that bad. But I've seen plenty other guys who can get a girl by teasing, so that can't be bad either. The only bad way, is the way of no way. But I'd say that the best way to go would be a balanced combination between the 1st and 2nd methods. That's just what I think.

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Well teasing is just effective because it's having a fun time with her. Nobody's trying to offend anybody. I hope nobody reads this thread, and tries to pick up a girl by walking up to her and saying "Hi! You look like an idiot!"


Teasing in particular is effective because it shows that you're comfortable around her, and that you're already at the level where you feel like that kind of stuff has no chance of ruining what you have with her.


I usually don't do it that much myself. I agree that it can be fun, but it's usually not my style.

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My point has always been that there is a difference in joking and teasing. I joke, I don't tease. Teasing by its very nature is based off of something mean and rude, even if done in a "friendly" way. Joking is something humorous or off the wall that helps her be in a good mood. Basically, do you find vulgar and mean humor funny, or do you like something clean and clever?


Thing is when you joke with women, it feels different, I'm not going to argue with you anymore because you NEVER will get it and your missing out I've been nice kiss *** boy its the worst thing I've ever done and it doesn't work.


having several females show interest in me
Whoopdeedoo. How did you detect there interest? From giving you a hug?


Point is, if you haven't tried it you can't put it out there saying it hurts feelings and all this other crap. Do it, then tell us what happened. If you have NEVER tried it you don't.know.



Then crack a joke about schools in general, or that crazy teacher you had back in 10th grade. I know I've had enough weird teachers with crazy antics that would keep her laughing for hours. No reason to tease her. If it's never necessary, why do it?

It's not the same...C&F works better than regular stuff you don't know until you try it.




Teasing by its very nature is based off of something mean and rude, even if done in a "friendly" way
Exactly why you will never understand it...I mean you haven't done it...probably afraid to hurt a girl's feelings are you kidding? If you don't say it seriously it has a lot better of a reaction than just a regular joke, I've actually done it.



can also tell the difference between their reaction after a tease and a joke, the joke and the compliment gives such a greater reaction.

You haven't teased you don't know, unless you saw someone else do it.

A compliment may be a good thing, but complimenting like you do is kissing ***.


Playful teasing is "vulgar and mean humor"? lmao.


it's easy. It's easy to resort to school yard tactics, to find a way of putting someone down, even under the guise of "having fun." It's harder to take the high road and not sink there. Most people simple can't do it.





And about the reaction thingy, I meant to say that the joke was just a laugh, and that's it. Common crude laughter anyone can have while watching comedy central. The laugh you get from teasing is something else. You can sense the interest, the satisfaction they feel about being noticed. Everyone wants attention, and teasing is the way to go if you want to give attention without too much complimenting. I mean, haven't you noticed that sometimes girls might hit you when you tease them? But it's a flirty kind of slap they might give you not meant to do any harm (and it doesn't hurt) and some laughs, contrary to when you say something that might be offensive, where they might slap you in the face and leave their hand imprinted upon your cheek. That's because you didn't mean to put her down. It's like when a girl says she looks fat when she obviously isn't, she just wants the attention... You can choose to say "of course not" or you can say in a playful sarcastic tone of voice "yep. I think I could pinch an inch right there". Of course if you say "you betcha" like the guy in the commercial, in a regular tone of voice you'll make her mad. That's the difference.

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This is fun guys.


Isn't it, though? I'm enjoying it too. Glad to be able to argue and learn something, ShySoul. It sounds like you have a great realationship with a good girl. Hell, I'd even like to know what you're saying. It seems there are some things you still don't get, however.


I thought of another word that I've heard girls use to describe guys like that... sleezy.


It isn't sleezy, if you know what your'e doing. Your'e having fun with her. It's enjoyable on both parts.


And if everyone starts following this arrogany and funny routine, its going to get predictable.


It isn't a routine. You encorperate it into you're own personality. Everyone is as different as their fingerprints, and imigrating C&F will be just as different for you as an induvidual.



All this set aside, I'm not trying to get you to change yourself. I only want to highly recommend C&F and get you to realize what C&F is, and why it really does work. But as long as you're happy and have a great healthy relationship with your girl, I say go ahead and keep being who you are. No point in changing if you don't think it's best for you, right?


Nice debating with you.

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Oh, and if a girl who obviously isn't fat, but is asking if her pants make her look fat, do an al bundy and say "no... it's the fat that makes you look fat".


Guys are so predictable. I was just waiting for that line. Come on, I've seen the Man Show, I get how most guys think.


your missing out I've been nice kiss *** boy its the worst thing I've ever done and it doesn't work.


Nice guys aren't like that. But I don't think I'm missing out. I mean, I am the one getting the hugs and kisses, her telling me she wouldn't want me any other way, sending me love songs, saying how she wishes I was there next to her.....


Whoopdeedoo. How did you detect there interest? From giving you a hug


No, from them saying they have feelings for me. Or saying she wished we could go on a nice romantic date.


Do it, then tell us what happened. If you have NEVER tried it you don't.know.


Ah, you underestimate me. And those who underestimate the opposition always fails. I did try, did nothing. Oh wait, she got upset and hurt. On the other hand, staying as far away from that as possible from that, complimenting, joking, and be a good guy... while thats got me everywhere. Sorry your whole argument falls about now.


Well teasing is just effective because it's having a fun time with her


So if your having fun without out, no need for it.


If you asked me what I'd rather have I'd say the long serious committed relationship. But I guess most ppl my age think that kinda stuff is a joke. I mean, who wants to have a relationship that lasts more than 2 months? Not them...


DeadEyes, thats a great attidude. I can tell your a good person and more mature then most your age.


The laugh you get from teasing is something else. You can sense the interest, the satisfaction they feel about being noticed. Everyone wants attention, and teasing is the way to go if you want to give attention without too much complimenting.


I get that same sense. I don't overdo the compliments, I still keep it lightheated and fun. But I don't have to tease. And she feels noticed. She feels cared for. It's in her eyes, her smile. It's the way she looks at me with that shy smile. It's in her grabbing onto my hand and wanting to hold it. It's in her calling me up and leaving her friends earlier then usual just so she could come talk to me. It's in everything she does.


It's like when a girl says she looks fat when she obviously isn't, she just wants the attention... You can choose to say "of course not" or you can say in a playful sarcastic tone of voice "yep. I think I could pinch an inch right there". Of course if you say "you betcha" like the guy in the commercial, in a regular tone of voice you'll make her mad. That's the difference.


And for that I turn it over to Mr. Brad Paisley and the song "That's Love."


"There ain't a woman in the world

That wants to hear the word yes

When she asks you if you think that she looks chubby

In that dress"


I'd listen to him. One, his songs display an incredible awareness of male/female relations. Two, have you seen his wife?

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Ah, you underestimate me. And those who underestimate the opposition always fails. I did try, did nothing. Oh wait, she got upset and hurt.


1. That sounds a lot different to:


Nope, never teased. I was always as nice as they come. Again, I joke. I make her laugh. I bring out the sense of fun and lightheartedness in her. But I never have to say one teasing thing to do it.


2. Either you don't know how to make a joke, or she was overly sensitive. Probably the first one because this:


Real reason people rely on teasing: it's easy. It's easy to resort to school yard tactics, to find a way of putting someone down, even under the guise of "having fun."
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Oh wait, she got upset and hurt. On the other hand, staying as far away from that as possible from that, complimenting, joking, and be a good guy... while thats got me everywhere. Sorry your whole argument falls about now.

You did it wrong obviously




"There ain't a woman in the world

That wants to hear the word yes

When she asks you if you think that she looks chubby

In that dress"

That is not C&F , you definitely have the wrong idea of it....anyway I'm done.
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Oh, and if a girl who obviously isn't fat, but is asking if her pants make her look fat, do an al bundy and say "no... it's the fat that makes you look fat".


Guys are so predictable. I was just waiting for that line. Come on, I've seen the Man Show, I get how most guys think.


ROFL, that's hilarious! And for the record, you may have seen the Man Show or whatever it was on, but I haven't.

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Ah, you underestimate me. And those who underestimate the opposition always fails. I did try, did nothing. Oh wait, she got upset and hurt.


1. That sounds a lot different to:


Nope, never teased. I was always as nice as they come. Again, I joke. I make her laugh. I bring out the sense of fun and lightheartedness in her. But I never have to say one teasing thing to do it.


2. Either you don't know how to make a joke, or she was overly sensitive. Probably the first one because this:


Real reason people rely on teasing: it's easy. It's easy to resort to school yard tactics, to find a way of putting someone down, even under the guise of "having fun."


WoHoHo! Contradicted by your own attitude

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Oh, and if a girl who obviously isn't fat, but is asking if her pants make her look fat, do an al bundy and say "no... it's the fat that makes you look fat".


As a girl who is very conscious of her body weight (and I know many other girls would agree with me on this), a quip like the one above would make me VERY angry at the guy who told me "it's the fat that makes you look fat". This would not be a good example of "c0cky-funny" as you guys are calling it. It's just plain insensitive, even if you mean well. I like it when there's light-hearted teasing from guys such as "oh gosh, how could you like eating that sort of thing?" but telling a girl, even playfully, that she looks big in any outfit is a death wish for a guy. Even if he's dating a supermodel.


By the way, I have read David DeAngelo's articles and I really hate them. That guy's ego is through the roof and yet he sounds like a complete prick in all of his articles. I can see how his behaviour might help him get laid in a one night stand, but I definitely can't see any girl dating this guy for a long period of time. In all honesty, I find his "advice" to be a load of BS and it seems that he feels a constant need to back up how sound his advice is with testimonials, as if he's afraid if he doesn't have any, no one will believe him. (true)

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WoHoHo! Contradicted by your own attitude


Alright, clarification. I am 99.999999999% of the time as nice as they come. Everyone makes mistakes right? Everyone gets in a bad mood or lashes out. I'm not perfect. And I did make my new years resolution to try one new thing a month this year, to expand my horizons. But it's only given me further proof for my point. It didn't work. It didn't make her laugh, punch my arm. It didn't get me anywhere. No, it got me to our first fight (which I ended fairly quickly with honest communication, standing up for myself, a few nice words, and lighthearted humor). On the other hand, being me and not teasing has got me spending the night, cuddling, kissing, taking trips together, etc. I know what works, and I'm doing it.


ROFL, that's hilarious! And for the record, you may have seen the Man Show or whatever it was on, but I haven't.


Hey sky, just think about this. I've got you laughing and keeping you entertained, and I haven't had to tease you, have I? Just between us, teasing guys is good, they deserve it. I mean, geez.... some of the things we say and do.... its just begging to be made fun of. Ladies though, gentlemen don't tease them.


That is not C&F , you definitely have the wrong idea of it....anyway I'm done


Again, have you seen his wife? The guy knows what he is talking about. And because I'm a nice guy, I'll give you guys a few more pointers courtesy of Mr. Paisely.


1. Do not spend too much time fishing or your wife will leave you.

2. If you want to show her you love her, put the toilet seat down.

3. "...And if she cooks all day you better eat it with a smile

It doesn't matter if it tastes just like bad gravy on a Goodyear tire..."


Hey, lets just give you a link to the whole song. It is so incredible true.


link removed


Either you don't know how to make a joke, or she was overly sensitive.


If I don't know how to make a joke, how come I had her laughing last night? How come we can end up being very silly together? How come I can keep other people laughing alot when we are chatting? I'm good at jokes, my humor is just off a much nicer and intelligent vein then what you all are thinking of.


By the way, I have read David DeAngelo's articles and I really hate them. That guy's ego is through the roof and yet he sounds like a complete prick in all of his articles. I can see how his behaviour might help him get laid in a one night stand, but I definitely can't see any girl dating this guy for a long period of time. In all honesty, I find his "advice" to be a load of BS and it seems that he feels a constant need to back up how sound his advice is with testimonials, as if he's afraid if he doesn't have any, no one will believe him. (true)


kimono_girl2, thank you. Finally someone makes sense on here. Interesting, all of this guys supporters are males. Every female I know who have looked at his stuff has come away dispising him. Hey, females are smarter after all.

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Hey sky, just think about this. I've got you laughing and keeping you entertained, and I haven't had to tease you, have I? Just between us, teasing guys is good, they deserve it. I mean, geez.... some of the things we say and do.... its just begging to be made fun of. Ladies though, gentlemen don't tease them.


I'm not laughing at your jokes, I'm just straight out laughing /at/ you.

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I'm not laughing at your jokes, I'm just straight out laughing /at/ you


Well, if we're going by the playground method of showing attraction, guess that means you like me. Unfortunately, it just won't work out.


And if that was meant as an insult, put down, or the like... just doesn't phase me. One, I happen to be on top of the world thanks to my girl. Two, none of you would be rallying so hard against what I say in less it struck a chord with you deep down inside. Otherwise you would just have ignored it.

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Two, none of you would be rallying so hard against what I say in less it struck a chord with you deep down inside. Otherwise you would just have ignored it.


Actually it's the third option. The option that (without flamming) you annoy us by refusing to accept that any way other then the pure of heart nice guy route isn't an acceptable way to flirt. I'm not saying that your way hasn't worked, but there /are/ other ways that are just as useable and just as acceptable.

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yeah teasing on aim isnt great because she wont understand your intentions or tone for example:


i like this girl, first time i saw her i was like wow. so anyways we are talking on msn and she asks me if i want to see her maiden bun lol, at that time i didnt know what it was so i said ok...so she showed me her hair lol, talked for a bit and said gtg. later in the week i said "i miss ur bum wannA show it againx?" she didnt really get the 'joke' but maybe its for the best, so she showed me her hair again but in different style and said she was ugly and had no make-up on but i said she looks pretty anyways, then she kept on repeating that she has ugly and had no make-up on and i thought that was funny so i said "you turn me on har har" she didnt like that but couldnt stay mad at me. she just couldn't enterpret my tone of voice or face expression.



p.s. just replying to first several posts

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