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I've been on a break from my gf for over past 2 months. I went out with a few of my buddies and gt pretty waisted. I ended up running into a girl that i use to hang out with and things got pretty much out of control and I ende up in bed with her. Was I wrong do sleep with another girl during a break from my gf?

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If you are broken up with your GF then you're not violating the relationship, per se. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a "break". Were you just taking time off yet staying committed, or were you broken up?


It could certianly complicate things if you and the ex plan on getting back together in the future. If you found out she did the same, would you be ok with it?




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Depends on the arrangment of the break - if you were free to see other people then it was within reason, if not, well yes, it was wrong.


I don't understand breaks like this - unless the idea is to work through it together, what is the point in being together at all?

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I don't think it would have happened it I hadn't been drinking.


I dont mean to sound rude, but blaming it on the alcohol is just an excuse for your behaviour. If you do end up getting back with her, i hope you tell her what happened. Maybe next time you should be more responsible I just cant stand when people blame their mistakes on alcohol If you had a knife on you, and you saw someone you just really hated with a passion...i pretty much doubt that you'd walk up to him/her and stab them

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dj, I echo that statement exactly, bro. I don't care how wasted you are, you still know what you're doing to a certain extent. Whether you kiss someone, flirt with someone, drive, or have sex... you know you're doing it, but you just don't care (loss of inhibition). I think you definitely need to tell your ex-gf if this was a "taking time off" situation and not a clean seperation. If it was a clean break then you are not obligated to her.

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