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I havn't had my period in about a month

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Okay I know this might seem really stupid to post, but I first started my period ABOUT a year ago, and I havn't had it in about a month. It may seem stupid but i'm getting a little worried. I have to admit I'm a big worrywart. I'm a virgin so I can't be pregnant.. and I've heard for maybe a year or two your period may skip some months but still I'm just getting worried...

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It's nothing to worry about. My mom is a gyenecologist (is that how you spell that?) and when I started my period I had that same problem. It's normal for them to be irregular for about a year or so after you start. And since you're a virgin, there's nothing to worry about. But, I'd give it some time, but if it goes on for too long, I'd talk to a doctor...although I dont think that'd be necessary.

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I think that after 3 months (of really not knowing what the cause of missing it could be) that is when it is a good idea to see a doctor. I'm not 100%, but I could have sworn I've read that somewhere reliable. In any case, after missing it a few times, that is when you might worry, but for now I'd just relax, but be prepared for it to come unexpededly.

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When I first started my period, there were a few times when I missed a month or only bled a little one month... then there were times I got it twice a month. It's very common for it to be irregular for the first few years.


But I do agree that if you don't get it for 3 months, you should be talking to the doctor. When your period is still irregular, skipping 1 month is nothing to be worried about (unless of course you are sexually active, which you aren't).

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Also, try not to worry about it too much. Worry and stress sometimes makes you skip a period or make it come later.


When I first started my period, I remember skipping 3 months worth of periods. I was extremely irregular. If your mother was prone to skipping periods, you could have that trait passed down to you. My mom was irregular until she had children.

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