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simple question :)


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I don't exactly see a question within your post...but umm..I can guess what you want. It's a decent sign of initial attraction....so...stop wondering what she's thinking, and go talk to her. Doesn't always mean she's attracted, could just be friendly...but still, at least she didn't give you a glare or something...so go talk.

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She was giving signals, hints, flirting, trying to get your attention and she obviously did her job. Sounds like through her body language she was checking you out. Trying to hold back when she smiles? She wants to get you to notice but at the same time not. You follow? She's all over you. Go, make your move.

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Smiling and eye contact do not ensure interest in you. Are you interested in every person you smile at and look in the eye? Think about it: How many people in a day do you smile at (either directly or inadvertently) and look in the eye? If you really think about it, you probably do this several times a day with little or no intention at all.


Get in there and talk to her. There is no sure way of knowing whether or not someone is into you (or if you would even be into her) unless you have conversations. Trying to read subtle clues is ineffective and can lead to disappointment.

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