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ladies only please reply to this

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I think you'll get various replies on this. It's probably not something you should tell someone on the first date mind you, but I am sure there are some who won't see it as so bad...though it MAY make them feel insecure about your sexual orientation (though I do know this is not an indication of orientation!).


Personally, its not something I would be "into". I talked to a guy once who cross-dressed, and that was a turn-off for me and that was the end of the pursuit in dating him! But if for example after years of being with my partner I found out he liked wearing womens underwear I would for one...be VERY pleased I had an answer for my disappearing bras, and two...probably be supportive since I would hope I would know him well enough by then to know it was not indicative of his preferences and just something that was "exciting" for him...


Guess that does not answer your question very well, though does it?

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Sorry I'm not a lady but i will reply anyway.


When i was your age and younger i used to do the same thing. From my experience, alot of girls loved it. I never acted embarrassed about it, you have to do it with confidence.


I just broke up with a girl i dated for 2 years. We were friends for years before we dated. She had seen me crossdress on numerous occasions and she always thought it was funny. Eventually she started to ask me to do it.


I'm 21 years old now and i can say i have pretty much outgrown the urge to do it anymore. Maybe on halloween or once in a blue moon i still will, but the older i get, the less the idea of it appeals to me.


Do what you want to do and don't worry about it. Do everything with confidence and girls will love it!

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I don't think cross dressing is something you should let the woman know too early in the relationship. I've never heard of any women who found their men cross dressing as a turn on.


I actually had a lecture discussion about cross dressing at my university and one of my classmates had a bf who liked cross-dressing. She said he didn't tell her until the 2nd year into their relationship. She said she would've left him if she had known about it earlier. but now that she loves him so much she said she wouldn't leave him even though she's not entirely comfortable with his cross dressing beh.


I put on a lipstick on my man as a joke and that was a big mistake cuz that really turned me off. But that's just me.

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Oh, I know PLENTY of female dominants who love a man in lingerie....and full-on cross-dressing for that matter.


As I've mentioned before in other threads, I've been actively involved in the BDSM community for, oh, 6-7 years now. Your fetish is not weird, there's plenty of other guys who have it. You just need to find the right group of people who have their slinky kinked in a similar way as yours.


My .02....you are better off to find a kink community and find like-minded people who can share your fetish rather than date non-kink girls and try to "convert" them. Once I figured out my particular kinks (it only took me until my mid-30's...yeesh), I wouldn't date non-kink/non-dominant guys...it was a waste of my time and theirs. I dunno, just seems to me it's easier to start off choosing from a pool of people who have the same interests rather than trying to convert (or perhaps more accurately "pervert" ) someone who's not particularly interested.

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I think that this would be a huge turn off....


I have asked my Fiance to try some things on for me, like a sweater or this dress that doesnt fit me anymore... I just wanted to see if it fit him, cause then I would know that one day I was his size... he refuses... I guess thats a good thing

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I personally think I would be turned off if it was too early in the relationship, but I do think it's something I could learn to live with if I cared about the person enough.


But I agree with shes2smart, you might be better off by looking into kink communities and like-minded people. There are plenty of women out there who would enjoy seeing a man in lingerie.

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If he looks better in MY lingerie... and fills it out better.. we have a problem. Ohhhh heck no... not no ..but NO NO... it would definitely not be a turn on for me to see him in my lingerie... my bra's... or sexy outfits... ohhh no no no... I like my man.. Manly Man and stud muffin looking..


but hey.. thats my personal taste and preference. I'm sure there are women out there who don't mind.. or consider it a turn on. To each his own.

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I think the number of straight girls who would find this attractive would be similar to the number of straight guys who like skinhead girls with testicles.


Actually, in my experience, more women tend to be turned on by other women than vice versa with men.


So maybe there is a higher chance that it would be accepted - but it's not a necessary risk that you should be willing to take.

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I think the number of straight girls who would find this attractive would be similar to the number of straight guys who like skinhead girls with testicles.


I don't know, I remember seeing this interview with this very "manly" guy who as a bet got breast implants for a year (at least). He said he met more girls, and had more "chicks" with them then he did without them - women "loved them" in his words.


Not sure if any of those were long lasting...but he certainly did not seem to suffer too much! He even debated keeping them a while longer (not sure if he did).

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I was with a guy who really liked dressing up. He told me right away and I had never had any experience with it and I figured as long as it wasnt hurting anyone, it was okay... It wasnt something he did often but sometimes it bothered me, and other times it wasnt a big deal. The times it bothered me was when I needed my bf and not some wimpy guy playin dress up. It got hard to accept and eventually it was a huge problem with me. I wanted a bf not a gf and I felt cheated.

I know for a fact that there are women out there who really get turned on by cross dressers. It just depends. Are you asking if you should do it or not? I think if you do it and its important that the girl your with is into it then be up front and honest. Dont wait to tell her.These days, If I met a guy who was into it, I would run the other way...but thats just me.

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