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Last Chance, what do I do?

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Hey, IM new to the forum and got a question, Ok, For 4 years Ive been going to school with this girl which I liked ever since i saw her , I see her everyday when Im at school, But i never talk to her, Im too nervous. She was in one of my classes, I guess we have said a few words to eachother, But i was always to nervous and ended the convo very early, and never made eye contact, so i think i may have comeoff a bit rude, especially because she was always the one who initiated any conversation. N e ways, this is my last year of highschool, I want to start talking to this girl and ask her on a date, How do you start talking to a girl that you see everyday, had a million chances to talk too, but never did, it just seems like to long, I want to set her the impression,im not nervous any more, and im a funny, nice guy, and how do i ask her on a date,


Ill tell you the reason i like her so much, it might be helpful in something to say to her, I remember the first day of grade 9, i was at a totally new school, and did not know one person at it, and there is 1500 kids, so i was sitting on the bus on the way home and i see this girl sitting in her seat sideways, looking accross to the seat accross from her talking to her friend, I was checking her out kinda because i thought she was so beautiful, but after she said somehting, she smiled,and thats when i started liking her,(im careful to use the word "love", I know when your young you dont understand it) after i saw her smile, i can remember exactlywhat it looks like, that pictureis stuck in my mind forever.


Should i approach her and say something about her smile, Any one who knows me would think this would be easy for me, becasue i can talk to any other girl, and ive made alot of friends over the years and became quite popular now, what do I do????????????? any advicew would be greatly appreciated ,thanks alot.


P.s . also, I think she used to like me, a year or 2 ago, I was wondering, would a girl give a guy a chance that she "used" to like?, I think i would for a girl unless had specific reasons not too.

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Well man, you should definitely go for it. I wouldn't come up to her and confess you've had a crush on her for four years though. If you see her every day, talk to her about everyday things. Something a teacher said or did or perhaps some aspect or project the class is working on for example. Once you start a conversation about something common and low-key, ask her questions like.."so what got you interested in...or why did you decide to take such and such classes. Now that it is your last year, talk to her about what she's thinking of doing in college. Don't think about being in a relationship with her from th ebeginning and BELIEVE me, I know that's tough not to do. Get to know her friends because doing so will let the girl know more about you and perhaps even grow more comfortable with you around. Most importantly, don't go into this expecting failure or wondrous success. Because, as I've often said of myself, you can only do so much with affairs of the heart. People need to meet each other half way or 60/40 or whatever,. The poin is, you cannot make her like you but you can be yourself and try. Hope it all works out.




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P.s . also, I think she used to like me, a year or 2 ago, I was wondering, would a girl give a guy a chance that she "used" to like?, I think i would for a girl unless had specific reasons not too.

Definitely, I don't see why not. There is already something she likes about you so I think you have a good chance. In retrospect, often times I stopped liking someone only because I didn't think they like me at all. If they ask me out now, I would certainly try it out or at least get to know them better.

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especially because she was always the one who initiated any conversation.
Good sign.



Alright well, you have got to actually get to know her for 2 weeks at least. If you want to ask her out then you can ask her out on the day that you've actually known her for 2 weeks or you can do it for another week or somewhere in between there, I wouldn't go past a month and a quarter though.


I want to set her the impression,im not nervous any more, and im a funny, nice guy,
First of all being a "nice guy" isn't a good thing. Well if you want to set this impression, talk to her! I think you mean the impression of you want to show her your a good guy, not a nice guy, that's a totally different thing from the way I see it.


I was wondering, would a girl give a guy a chance that she "used" to like?,
I'm thinking yes, unless you were a total *** to her when she stopped liking you or she changed her mind and decided you were a loser or not "bf material" or something lol. It all depends on the situation. When did you think that she stopped liking you?? If she stopped liking you obviously you didn't do anything you sat there and kinda waited for her to show signs...which is a mistake, you need to do something next time, and get some balls.
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Hey thanks for all the replies, does anybody have a reallyspecific way to approach her? I was thinking, If i did start talking to her, if i said something and she smiled, should i just say, you have a really nice smile, or I like your smile, something like that, or is that to weird or inappropriate? I just want the best way to approach her without looking to weird, because i never have before? Thanksagain

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It depends what kind of girl she is. To reduce the risk of it sounding weird, I think you should strike up several conversations with her first before the "i like your smile" line. (but then again, it's flattering to hear that from a guy no matter what!)


I think both "you have a really nice smile" or "i like your smile" are good. But prepare something else to talk about so it doesn't follow by an awkward silence. If she looks a bit uncomfortable with it, then just continue with that prepared topic and act like it was a causal comment.


As for what to talk about, the other posters' ideas are good. Pick some common ground first like applying for college (= moving away from home?), anything course-related, ask about her weekend, and continue from there.


But backing up a bit, to approach her, maybe you can try borrowing paper or pens from her during class. I'm not too sure..

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