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Heartbroken and unable to function

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3 weeks ago my boyfriend of 6 months left for another state where he is building a home for investment. He goes on these trips every couple of weeks and though it is hard, I manage. Let me preface by saying that though we have only been together 6 months, our relationship took off very quickly and he had led me, my family, friends, colleagues and even my clients to believe that we were going to be together for ever! Also, let me say that he was married for 20 years, together with her 25 and has been separated the last year. Matter of fact was officially divorced just one month ago! I know you must be thinking "What was she was thinking" or perhaps "She is getting what she deserved" or "What did she expect?" What I expected was that I was being told the truth! That being said... when he left for this last trip on a Sunday he told me he loved me, he would call when he got there and he would be home Friday! 3 weeks later... I have heard nothing from him. Only emails and phone calls from his family members telling me lie after lie that he has told them, that are ALL new news to me. I am now making the most difficult decison in my entire life (even worse than when I broke off my engagement due to physical abuse 6 years ago) to end this relationship. The odd thing is... he doesn't know it because I have yet to speak to him. I have NEVER been so heart broken, depressed, sad and unable to function in my entire life. I try to open my mouth to speak whether at work, with friends or to mearly place an order at a restaurant and I cry! My greatest fear is that we have kids that go to school together and are on the football team. I am VERY active in the football program and he attends all the games. I will be seeing him every Friday night when school starts. Of course, all the football parents know we have been a couple and now we won't be. I can't phathom making it through a game with him and his family there. Is there any insight on how to overcome the humiliation, embarrassment and broken dreams of what I have believed to be true about my life until now?

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No, there is no easy way around those feelings after a breakup.

I think the only thing we can say here to make you feel better is that you are doing the right thing. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you will one day understand that you are doing the right thing (just like when you left the other abusive relationship).

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