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My ex and I stopped talking for a while now. I was relieved because I was starting to finally get over him. Come this past Monday I get a message from him. Surprised me but trying to be a good person I answered on friendly terms...BIG MISTAKE. We talked and it felt like old times. Next day, I send him a mssg and he acts all cold and mean.


I'm at such a loss. I have no idea how someone could do a 180 in the expanse of a night. It really bugs me that I am letting this bother me at all, but it does bug me. I want to know what I said to get him so mad at me that he would go as far as to delete me off his msn. He hasn't blocked me...yet, he's never done this before either. I tried asking him about it, but no answer.


Any suggestions how I can just forget about this jerk and move on. It feels like I'm back to square one.

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Any suggestions how I can just forget about this jerk and move on. It feels like I'm back to square one


You didn't invest a lot of time and emotion at least, so consider it a cheap lesson. You forget about him by letting time pass without any communication whatsoever. He will naturally fade from your memory over a period of time. This is the only known way to really get over someone.

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I agree with Bounder. It doesn't seem to me that he was friendly one minute, then 24 hours later he's just mean and dirty. I think he was using the conversation you two had for some sort of confirmation that things would remain the way they are. He may not have even intended to talk with you except for that day and that one day only. JMO. HTH hun

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We've known each other for 7 years. And it's been sort of on and off. It started out great, but the last year has been just blah. I just had enough so that's why I broke off contact with him. It sort of ended on a argument. So for him to do this was just like....what the heck? If u didn't want to talk...then why the heck did u initiate the contact? I even asked him, what does this mean..and he said, ya we can talk. and then the next day, it's like....totally different.

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