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if he's not interested in me why does he flirt?? im confused

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me and this guy friend of mine have been friends for about a year now and are pretty close friends, theres just one thing ive liked him basically since i met him and i even told him about these feelings and what he keeps saying is "i dont think i could see us as a couple" or " im just not ready to get with anybody right now" ok so i took that and sort of said well i cant make anybody be interested in me so i kinda left that issue alone. but heres what he does he calls me all the time wanting to go out or whatever and he calls and asking to come over my house to chill and i dont mind doing that as friends but he just flirts and touches and winks and anything else that can fall into that categorie he does it. now i know there always gonna be a little flirty tension between guy and girl friends but this is so strong its almost sexual in a way! i guess my ultimate question is and mainly to the guys why does he flirt so intimately with me but he doesent want to be with me? and guys why do you do this to us girls???

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me and this guy friend of mine have been friends for about a year now and are pretty close friends, theres just one thing ive liked him basically since i met him and i even told him about these feelings and what he keeps saying is "i dont think i could see us as a couple" or " im just not ready to get with anybody right now" ok so i took that and sort of said well i cant make anybody be interested in me so i kinda left that issue alone. but heres what he does he calls me all the time wanting to go out or whatever and he calls and asking to come over my house to chill and i dont mind doing that as friends but he just flirts and touches and winks and anything else that can fall into that categorie he does it. now i know there always gonna be a little flirty tension between guy and girl friends but this is so strong its almost sexual in a way! i guess my ultimate question is and mainly to the guys why does he flirt so intimately with me but he doesent want to be with me? and guys why do you do this to us girls??? " dont pee on my leg and tell me its raining"
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Yeah, I agree with what's been said. Quite often someone will flirt with you even though they dont want to commit because they think its fun.

They probably don't take it all that seriously, but in doing so, forget that other people do.

My suggestion is to just go with the flow, don't let him use you or get with you if he's still not interested, and don't read into his flirting too much.

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I think that flirting has been upgraded so much in this era in life. Flirting is supposed to be fun a ego boosting. But however, somewhere along a road called life, everybody made it seem to be a big deal. But really all it is is two people enjoying each other. Dont let him take advantage of you though. But you might be thinking its more than he means it because you feel for him more and you almost WANT it to be like that. Just play along! Enjoy it, don't expect more quite yet. Everybody really thinks flirting is the first step to a relationship. But no, its the last step to a friendship.

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I don't know. Personally, I've always flirted with girl friends but never in a way that would be considered strongly sexual. The only time I would consider something like that is if I wanted something more than friendship.


There are very flirty people out there. My best friend in high school was extremely touchy-feely and flirty (in a sexual manner) with me, eventhough she had a boyfriend and claimed she didn't want anything more than friendship with me. A very weird girl.

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i dont know y i flirt all the time. but everyone tells me i do. but i guess i do cuz its like i dont know how to communicate with guys unless its flirting. its like i have to and its the only way i know how to communicate with them. but i and most deffinently not interested in them at all. any advice or something to stop it or is it ok?

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Just remember being friend is beign friend, don't go any further than this if you are sure he will not commit and shows not interest in you. Same thing happened to me, i confessed to this guy, got rejected. Later on he finds me back, and I have made a mistake, he did use me, he flirt with me too and at the end we had sex. The day after he said there is no chemistry and will be pressure to be with someone he doesn't like. I think you are in a much better situation than I am, I regret so much that i let it happen just becoz i like him, but it is not worth it at all. I told him how much pain i am going through now, he said to me we don't have to b frds anymore if you are upset. i am not saying your frd is this type of guy but i am just sharing with you my experince.

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