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Went no contact now he is calling... what does it mean?

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So to make a long story short he broke up with me i was heart broke called made a fool out of myself, then i stopped calling him. last saturday i got a text from him that said im at a wedding our song came on and it made me think of you. wednesday he called and left me a message i didnt call back thrursday he texted me with you didnt call me back, then i called today and left a message when he was at work, when he called back i didnt answer. im afraid to talk to him that i might breakdown and not be so strong. why all the sudden is he wanting to talk to me? do i have a chance to get him back??? im so confused.

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Ok well i think you definitely have a good chance of getting this guy back but is it really what you want? It seems he only wants what he can't have. he easily ignores you yet when the shoe is on the other foot he can't handle it. If i were you id make him suffer and prove himself before i even considered being with him.

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Sounds like he misses you...calling you upon hearing your song is a pretty big indicator of that...he's still sentimental about the relationship. I agree with the other poster...light, happy talk if you talk to him. No relationship talk. It's actually way easier, more fun to talk to each other if you stay away from that topic and theoretically it should draw him to you. Just friends don't send a text asking why you didn't call them back after barely a day has passed so it's likely he still has feelings for you BUT don't say "i want to get back together" and don't discuss the relationship unless he brings it up...and if he does, let him do the talking. Most important thing: no arguing whatsoever, just fun, happy talk. Good luck!

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ok so last night though i got a text that he accidently sent me instead of his friend marc, all it said was im staying in. i text him back saying i dont think that was meant for me and he said no that he meant to send it to marc. then this morning i got a text him asking if his sweatshirt was still at my work i left it there for him to pick up i said no that it sat there for weeks and he never got it. he said ok ill figure out how to get it. i then text him telling him that the outfit he got my nephew looked cute on him and that he was wearing it today he never responded. i dont get it im so confused. i just am not sure he really misses me. he goes back to school, and its like a half and hour from my house but i am afraid he will be so busy and just forget about me. i shouldnt call him though right???

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No, don't call. You were the last to text him. Let him call. General rule of thumb: let him come to you. If he's too busy and forgets about you...is that really the kind of person you want to date anyway? If you are going to get back together, he is going to have to have the will to do so. There are things you can do to make it more likely to happen but there are no guarantees. It's all about how he feels, whether or not he feels drawn to you. If the feelings are still there, he won't forget about you unless he is 100% sure he wants to move on and never look back because then he will make a serious effort to forget.

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