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Talking to a girl who sees thousands of people everyday...


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There is this girl at an amusement park I go to and for some reason I cant keep my eyes off of her. I dont know how to start a conversation with her or anything. I cant really ask her name, being that she has a nametag. I just dont know what to say? I think she is quite cute.


There are a couple of things about this situation however. She is in a very public place, where she literally sees thousands of people. How can I make myself stand out to her, should I end up being able to talk to her.


And the fact that she is working, makes it hard for me to find a right time to talk to her. If I were to wait until she goes on break, or leaves, then, that would be rather stalker-ish if you ask me.


What do you think?

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exactly what the person above wrote.. go for it man


stick w/ small talk.. imo... its really easy to start a conversation by complaining about something... i dont mean go into long detail about how muhc you hate something cuz than you will sound like a whinner.. but just mention how bad the weather is.... or how hot it is or something... than start to make conversation after that

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Having been on the other side (being a guy who work at a ride at an amussement park), girls found the most interesting ways to talk to me. I work at a water ride (yes durning the summer time for the most part) and here are some of the things girls did to get my attention or to talk to me:


- Gave me a hug after they came out of the ride

- Ask my name even tho I had a name tag (JasonQ you should do this one becuase it shows you are interested in her)

- Yelled at me in a friendly way

- Ask for my signature on their hands and arms

- Plead to go on the ride again and then made small talk with me when they got off.


JasonQ I don't know why your getting up tight about it. If you think the name tag thing is dumb then ask her about the ride (like how fast it goes), becuase she must know the ride fully well to get certified to operate the ride.

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Very interesting jurupa.


I actually thought about the name thing, you know, just to be 'stupid' but then I thought it would have been really.... stupid, although its worth a shot, what do I have to lose right. As we all know, hindsight is 20/20, and with that being said, I could have had the perfect way to start a conversation, but I didnt. She was doing a crazy little dance on the loading deck, and I could have commented on it. Stupid me, just kept staring. *sigh* -- I guess there is one other thing I could talk about with her, if I can, and that is her hair. She has it done the most interesting way. I love the way its done, and its just cool.


Jurupa, Being that you work at an amusement park, let me ask you this. How do the females you work with feel about guests "hitting" on them? Do they feel uncomfortable, or whatever else, or would they just be interested to see?


Sometimes it seems that at my amusement park, although friendly (because they are required to be) I get the vibe that these people dont really want anything to do with you... Although this girl, was talkative to us while we were on the ride and stuff. I even smiled at her and she smiled back. But i take that with a grain of salt.

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I don't work at the amussement park anymore, but I only work with 2 or so females (The ride I work had the most number of guys for some reason). The females tend to not like being hit on when it is a very busy day (read: long lines and lots of complaints). For the most part the 2 females would just see the guys hitting on them as the guys having fun and nothing else.


It is hard to tell if she is just being friendly and going along with the flirting or is actually interested in you. I don't know what the policy is at her amussement park, but the one I worked at I couldn't ask for girls numbers I had to be given them or have a girl ask for mine. You should try asking for hers and see what she says.


good luck.

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first thing that you must remember...is that YOU'RE THE GUY...freakin take charge man!!


Ok...maybe not like that...but know that what the previous guy said is quite right....


I have often got numbers from women working at places like this...I don't know...I just be myself...


If you have something that you want to ask them...make sure that there is some genuine truth to it...like you have to be at least midly interested in what you are asking for real...


Like I remember walking up to one of these girls that worked at a sales stand at a mall...I had been going there before and just recently started to notice her...


So to me she was new...I wasn't that sure if she worked there or not even though she was standing in front of the news stand...so I asked her...

Uhm excuse me...do you work here? It has to be an open ended question...then she can explain...she then asked me why and I said because she looks different than the people that I usually have seen working there...


Now I was mildly interested in what I was asking her...there was some truth to it...I guess they might sense that...and we just started talking...


well after a while I was like...let me go I have an appoitment...and she said...hold on...let me give you my number and she did...


I wasn't doing anything fancy...if it didn't work...great...I got some practice for the next one...That's how I saw it...everyone is just getting some practice for the next one...

Peace and you're in charge

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