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ok, so a lot has been going on and ive been really really stressed lately........ so things seem to be getting better, but ive almost completely stopped eating.... i go about 24 hours w/o eating then when i do eat, its somethng small......... i cant help it. about 2 weeks ago, things got really bad with my family and i didnt eat ofr more than 36 hours cuz i felt so sick from being stressed. since then, ive hardly been eating, and when i do i feel sick afterwards.... my bf has really been pushing me to eat, and i love him to death for that, but i seriously just dont feel well when i eat..... ugh.


anyways, he got his mom into it by saying that i hadnt eaten since last night..... she sat me down and had a serious talk with me about how its bad for me, and its not gunna help me lose weight (which is not what im trying to accomplish here). i feel bad now because my bf and his mom (which are more like family to me than my own) are really worried about me. but i seriously just cant eat w/o feeling crappy....... what should i do.....

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ill do my best to help, though i have the same problem, try drinking alot of water and getting fresh air, it helps me when my stomach hurts too bad to eat.when you eat make it something healthy like a hard boiled egg. It gives you some protien which is important for your body to function, you could try a salad, just make a bowl and only eat it when you feel you can do so without pain or discomfort. take some time to manage your stress, that sounds like whats making it hard for you to eat, i hope this has helped you some, feel free to PM or IM me if you need anything


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I often have stress that I can't vent easily, because the problems are constantly there... Anyway, I have a way of working through this stress that may sound a bit strange, but it helps me. When I need to get things out, I take a walk, by myself. I pretend that the person/thing I have the issue with is there and I just start saying everything I really feel like saying to this "person." I always feel much better after I do this. You might want to choose a rather empty place to do this if you're worried about people thinking that you're crazy.


Another helpful thing in college was to get a bean bag and throw it hard against a wall or a door when I got upset. It made me feel better, but I wasn't hurting anyone or anything.


As for the eating, when you do eat, try to eat something light and do your best to keep it healthy. You might want to look into some supplements until you are able to regain your appetite. Not eating is going to add to your stress, and your body will have more trouble dealing with the pressure. Obviously those are things you don't need right now. Do your best and take it one step at a time.

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i cant eat anything anymore w/o feeling sick. in the past 2 weeks ive lost enough weight that i went down on a belt size, and im really week and tired. neither of my parents know that i dont feel well (honestly cuz both of them would quickly send me off to a psychiatrist). so rar........ i tried eating lighter foods these past 2 days, but ive probalby only eaten 2 meals since..... i just feel like total crap.

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I have much experience with what you're going through, and part of it is probably psychological. You're anticipating nausea. Try eating bread (slowly). Once you've done that--and if you're feeling okay--move on to vegetables like cucumbers and lettuce (high water content). When/if you start to feel ill try sucking on ice cubes. This always to calms my stomach. If your symptoms don't improve, go to the doctor to rule out conditions like stomach ulcers. Hang in there.

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