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I was in a long distance relationship for almost a year. We lived in different countries but managed to see each once or twice a month. The first six months were a dream. Then, just when we took the decision that we should stay together, problems arrived. I felt it was a huge step for me to move to another country to be with him and I also felt unsure and insecure. I started paying attention to every little thing and definetely exaggerated - as it happens in long distance situations. I expected to see him more excited over our plans, but instead I started feeling that he was changing. My instinct sent me these confusing signals, but my heart just wanted this to work out. So, I tried to talk to him and let him know that I needed some reassurance and he agreed to everything, but he ended up being all big words and no actions. And then came his stupid white lies over nothing really important, but this added to my insecurity and pissed me off cause he was not clear to me. This led to our lack of communication soon, as I started to feel I have to protect myself, and thus I was not able to work with him. Finally, all this pressure and stress and sorrow just added up in me and I broke out several times - actually we ended up breaking up four times. Each time was worse. We said more bitter things to each and now we are left only with bad memories and resentment. I was just wondering if it is just me that gets stuck in the dream of hoping for the best, when all signs show that there is clearly no hope. And I can't stop thinking of how easier it would have been on both of us if we just had the wisdom to end it once and for all the first time..

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