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OK is 15 and 18 too big of a gap??

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I'm assuming since you reposted this that you didn't get the advice you were hoping for or needed. I would say do what you are comfortable with. If you like him why not at least talk to him and see what happens? The age difference really depends on the individuals maturity level. Good luck!

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Normally I'm really comfortable with age gap relationships. I really see no problem if too people are both at the same level of understanding and living their life... But, for me I've seen a lot of relationships flop when they were between someone 16 or younger and 18 or over. I'm not saying it can't work, but most people do a lot of growing up between 14 and 16. It doesn't seem like many years difference, but most 18 year olds are life years away in terms of maturity (not to say that most 18 year olds are extremely mature to start with) from people who are you younger. I argue about this with my friend a lot because he has a fascination with dating 15 year olds (he's 18), but then he wonders why the relationship rarely works out..


Oh well. This probably isn't what you wanted to hear, sorry.

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hey. well im 17 and my bf turns 16 this weekend. now its basically a year diff. but i can tell you that age differences in the teen years make a diff. like when i was 16 i totallly hit it off with this guy who was 21 at the time. i mean the converstaions were incredible and hoenstly im one of the most mature teenagers youll ever meet. however, i can tell you taht there are certain aspects that will cause problems. for example while you have just entered high shcool hes probably graduating has a job or is going to uni/college. he might be more interested in the physical aspect of a relationship that you might not be ready for. and with younger guys its like they dont take charge you have to make all the decisions they change their mind. so age gaps during these years are critical not to mention to law lol. but i know that it is ver ypossible and that you are likely to hit it off with someone whos not your age. its natural so just make sure there is a good balance.

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I am almost a year older then my ex (i am just turning 20 he just turned 19 a couple days ago) The age can make a big difference, sometimes I felt like his mom. But I loved him and we spent 4 years together before I moved away to go to university.... when it comes to the age difference I think it can work, as long as both people are willing to work at it and it is a really strong relationship, becauase when you are young the age difference is working against you so you have to work past that... obviously I failed at it, but I still have hope for anyone else who attempts it.

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