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  1. I am almost a year older then my ex (i am just turning 20 he just turned 19 a couple days ago) The age can make a big difference, sometimes I felt like his mom. But I loved him and we spent 4 years together before I moved away to go to university.... when it comes to the age difference I think it can work, as long as both people are willing to work at it and it is a really strong relationship, becauase when you are young the age difference is working against you so you have to work past that... obviously I failed at it, but I still have hope for anyone else who attempts it.
  2. Awwww thanks sooo much
  3. he is probably wondering why you haven't called him in 4 days! Let his shyness bring out your bold side... he will thank you for it later... whatever happens it is better to know right? I mean they say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so if u avoid calling this guy just because you think it should be him chasing you then you might lose out on something great! The worst thing is definitly the "what if's" so if u feel like calling him, call, if you don't and are okay with him potentially not calling you, don't call... it's really your choice... just do what you will most likely be able to look back and say "i did the right thing, i did what i was comfortable with, and i did what all i could" that way you won't find yourself kicking yourself in the near future for thr fish that got away! obviously he is worth the effort to you considering you took the time to post about it on here... so stop posting, starting calling and tell us how it goes
  4. Long story, try to make it short... He is 25, I will be 20 in a couple months I met him they day before I moved home from school... we had talked online for months, not really constantly though more like random talking here and there... But we did make plans the night before I went home to go out for supper at a really great Mexican restaurant... At the very least I can say, it was AMAZING! The more I looked at him the better he looked, the more I talked to him the more I liked him, he was just like one of those things that makes you go "wow"! Then he walked me home and we talked and laughed the whole way home I just didn't want the night to end! And a really great thing was that he didn't try and put the moves on me or anything like that. The night ended with me dreaming of him and making reality look better then the dream! I have been on cloud 9 ever since. Since then we kept talking randomly, sometimes everyday for days straight... We made plans and I went up to visit him... it was a very sweet time... we just clicked, it felt so right to be there with him, I stayed at his house and he treated me like a princess... He held me all night and whenever I went to pull away (i sleep on my stomach) he would pull me closer, which was incredibly sweet... Well I went home the next day, we talked and everything was fine, then we had this funny phase where we didn't really talk for awhile... well that got sorted out and we went back to our casual talking, I remaining infatuated with him... well then I was up in the city for a friends birthday and left the club early to go see him again... once again he was completely amazing! This time when I left it seemed different... wasn't just see you later it was a sweet kiss and hug goodbye and a have a safe trip home talk to you soon... felt different... when we were talking later he had told me that he had stayed in that night in hopes that a beautiful girl would come and see him *me* and he never says stuff like this... he is one of those guys who never chases... so it kind of shocked me.... well anyways... we kept talking and then one night i called him because i was bored and we talked for about 2 hours and since then everything has seemed to change... he has become more dependable, pays more attention to me, opens up to me, we tell each other our problems.. he has admitted in not so many words that i am special to him, he told me he wants more/is looking for substance not just sex... (was scared at first i was just "points" to him but he promised it was never about just sex for us), this guy has become a rock to me, he is always there for me, gives me advice on everything including found an apartment for me next year before he even found one for himself... he doesn't like talking on the phone but when i call him he sometimes act annoyed for about a minute and then will talk anyways sometimes for 1/2 an hour or more... and then will do silly things like as i am about to hang up he will say "OH Kim!!!" i come back yes? "thanks for calling"... so basically he confuses the hell out of me! i know he thinks of me as young, i am the youngest person he has ever been involved with... but at the same time i feel like he has changed soo much! i am just scared that it has become a just friends thing... hard to know what the next step is... all i know is that i can't get this guy off my mind, he makes me feel so good about myself and can brighten my entire day within a minute... i need a 3rd party perspective.. i tried to lay out the good AND bad points here.. what do you think???[/b]
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