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emotions and controling your reaction time.

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I have a problem controling how fast I react to things. Bad things in general. If I get mad or something isn't right at the moment I react to it before I even give myself time to think about it. and then when I have gotten away by myself from the problem I realize how dumb it was. I have tried working on this a lot, I used to go to anger managment but it didn't really help much cause I couldn't stand my dr and he just pissed me off even more then I already was (mainly cause he wouldn't listen to what I had to say ). I realize how dumb and childish it is and really can't stand it. I've also been thinking about one of my more recent posts here and how I wanted to change myself, I don't want to anymore, I realize that there is no one on this earth who is exactally like me and that's why we are all so specail, I think my main problem is wanting to chang little things like my anger problem. When I am by myself I am a very peacful person and don't intend on hurting anyone physically or mentally, but then when something happens that I'm not prepaired for I jump too soon too defend myself and mess everything up. I honestly don't know how to start controling this. It's like I dont' even think, I'll think to myself ok next time just stop and think about how irrational you are being and how you could have solved that in a non hurtful way to the others involved. I tend to do this with other things like suicide and cutting too, and really don't want to. I've pretty much got my depression under control so it's easy to bring myself out of that state and realize im being dumb, but this other anger problem is way bigger then my depression ever was or probably ever will be. It's kinda scarign me, im worried im going to really end up hurting someone. Has anyone had this problem, what did you do?

should I go back to anger managment. I dont' know if that would be the best idea, cause I feel like that person can't fix my problem that I have to do it, I just don't know where to start.

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I understand these feelings and not knowing what to do with them. I have never been to anger management however so i cannot tell you if that is the best option... although Im sure thats what most ppl would recommend.

There have been times when Ive blackout and hit walls and things w/o even realizing it until later bc i have been so angry. I have never hit a person and dont think I ever would.

I dont know what to tell you to help fix it but if you EVER want to talk... you can always email or pm me... bc i understnad and am going through the same thing.

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It's not anger management you need!


I'm a woman of 42 and I had a similar problem last year. I've suffered from depression and Fibromyalgia Syndrome for the last 5 years!


Last year I started to self harm. It wasn't cutting, however, I'm badly scarred. I started to scratch so hard I damaged my skin. I never gave it time to repair properly before I did it again. At one point I was so angry I wanted to hit brick walls with my fists just so I would hurt.


I discovered it was a 'mental' problem! It was 'bagagge' that had never been resolved that I'd been carrying around with me all my life. The way I'd felt my parents hadn't loved me, e.g. always at one of my sisters' houses and never at mine. Never any phone calls to see if I was ok. Not believing I was really ill until one of their friends said they knew about my medical condition their son had it, etc. (I'm the eldest!)


You need to see your G.P. Mine referred me to a psychiatrist. I'm no longer self harming and I've started to love myself again.


Hope this helps.


Good luck and take care.

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Well since I tend to be more reactionary myself. Here is a suggestion my therapist had. She said there is a period right before you're about to react emotionally where you leave your logically mind for the emotional. When you notice that you're starting to leave your logically mind stop whatever thoughts you're having fueling the emotions and detach yourself from the situation. Take deep breathes, leave the room, do what you need to do to stop the emotional reaction and stay with your logical reaction.


Not sure if I explained that very well but maybe it'll help. Does it always work? Not always but this suggestion has helped. People namely my ex don't get me upset like they used to. I see them being angry and rather than reacting to their anger I detach or leave, and by remaining calm they see how stupid they're acting.

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome is mainly pain in the muscles like Helpme said. It affects my whole body. That part is like Multiple Schlerosis. The Syndrome bit means there's more to the condition, e.g. fatigue exhaustion like M.E./CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), etc.


My other symptoms are irritable bowel, stress incontinence of the bladder, sudden drops in blood sugar levels, headaches, pins and needles in legs and hands, numbness in legs, insomnia, depression, short term memory problems, dropping things (I call this my 'clumsy clot' week!) Sometimes my immune system doesn't work properly and I pick up a lot of infections!


I don't get these symptoms all the time. I may get one for a few months and then that stops and another one starts. There's no cure! I just have to put up with it. The pain is the worst part! It is 10 times worse than normal people. That's because the neurotransmitters in the brain don't send the right messages down the spinal chord to dull the pain!


Each person has different symptoms. Also, we have different medication.

It takes a long time to get the medication right!


Sorry if I bored you!

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