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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 1 1/2 years. He is almost 18 and I am freshly 17. About 10 months ago I got pregnant but miscarried soon after telling the parents. Ever since i got pregnant we have been talking about marriage, but put it off after the miscarriage. We have unofficially descided to get engaged after highschool, (we are seniors this year) live together our last year in college, and then get married after graduation. I know i love him, but are we too young? Does age matter if you are madly in love?

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First, I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage! Speaking from experience, I married at 19, I always try to dissuade people from marrying too young. It's a HUGE committment and I'm not saying it can't work, as a matter of fact I've been married for 17 years, but it's a tough road. I would suggest that you both finish your college educations, get yourselves situated with your careers and THEN plan your wedding. There's no rush. If you truly love each other that won't change. Good luck to you!!

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I think you have the right idea, i.e. a long engagement that lasts throughout college. If you are still together and still want to get married after 4 years in college, than I say go for it, but don't rush the actual wedding. Alot of things tend to change when you are in college, and you may be surprised to find that you might outgrow the relationship and each other.


If by the time you are 21 and 22 and have been together for 5 years and both are finished college and on your way to careers and still want to get married, you are probably ready and have a good chance of making it last.

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  • 2 years later...

I would wait even to get engaged. When I started college, I had been with my high school sweetheart for nearly two years. Soon, in college, I met a boy and I became friends with him. After 2 months, my high school sweetheart and I had split up because I did what I thought was impossible: fell in love with this boy that I became friends with. Now, two years later, we are engaged.



Let life take you where it will. College changes people and whe people changem relationships can change.


And if you ARE still together after your first year of college? Accept the pretty, sparkely ring and congrats!

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