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What are the rules with this?

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Hello all!


I met a guy a couple weeks ago at a bar (while overly intoxicated), gave him my number, he called about a week after I gave him my number. I talked to him on the phone one evening and he seemed pretty nice though there were things I wasn't crazy about (he talked about $$ alot).


Well he called me last Thursday right after work and asked me to meet him for dinner, so I went to the gym then met up with him. He seems like a really nice guy, but there were some things I didn't like, I wasn't really attracted to him (though not turned off), he had this really BIG truck, like I could walk under it big, and he brought his 4 year old to dinner, and again, he talked about money way too much (I should not know he gives his ex $921 a month in child support after 1 date).


He called me on Friday night but I was in the middle of something said I would call him on Saturday, well Saturday was busy and I didn't call. He called back yesterday (Sunday) and left a VM. As nice as he seems he's not someone I want to continue to date. Do I need to call him to tell him this, or is it allright to just not call him back??


Thank you for your replies!

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Personally, I don't think you owe him any explanations. He sounds like a real "winner!" If it were me I just wouldn't call him back. He'll get the hint. If he calls you, you're under no obligation to call him back unless you want to.

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I absolutely agree with DN on this one. The least you can do is have the common courtesy of letting him know your not interested. I have always hated when you call someone and they dont call you back. It will be like five minutes at most and your done with him forever.

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