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Guess she wasnt what i expected

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She sounded like a good moral person that one that gave me compliments.She goes to church,shes nice,and she doesnt lie much and dislikes lying and people who lie.But this one guy she thinks that is really hot she has really gotten into him.A guy i work with said that she took this guy home to do u know what.And they like prolly been out like 1-2 times im guessing.So maybe she is just one of those girls that wants to have sex with attractice guys if what my co-worker said was true.It seems like the girls that are beautiful on the inside and dont mind looks so much are taken.And the girls that want to have sex all the time or the ones that are only attracted to guys who are hot are the ones i run into that arnt taken.

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OMG your an 18yr old male that wants to really be loved and love before you have sex.....that is the best thing Ive ever read....Im so happy to see you write that. Where were you when I was 18. All I can say is I applaud your morals and there will be a girl that will come along when the time is right and she will be very lucky.

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Thnx for the very nice post i appreciate it a lot.Ya ive never had a gf so it gave me time to think over what is wrong and right about whats going on with my friends and other people's relationships so it gave me some morals i guess.Like from their thoughts and peoples thoughts here.I dont really how i got to where i think today.I thinks its just because i went without.

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I agree with CATLOVR. You are once special guy and I mean that in the best way possible! Most guys your age just want to get into a girl's pants and it is so refreshing to read your post! I was 18 before I had my first boyfriend and a virgin, so was he and we have been married for almost 17 years now. There is someone out there waiting for you- trust me!

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How sure are you that the guy you work with has accurate facts? Did either the girl or the guy tell him directly?


Gossip can be a destructive thing and can badly mislead you when it is inaccurate - and even when it is correct. Don't condemn her before you know for sure - and even then be careful with the judgment unless you know all the facts.

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Your morals are very high for most 18 yr old that I have come accross. That is great dont change and theone for you will come along maybe not today or tomorrow but they will. I finally met my soulmate when I was 27. I knew when I saw him that he was the one. Go out and experience life and people. Do not judge people for who they are only accept them for knowing what they want. You have plenty of time to find love take a few dress rehearsals before the real thing.

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Thnx for the very nice post i appreciate it a lot.Ya ive never had a gf so it gave me time to think over what is wrong and right about whats going on with my friends and other people's relationships so it gave me some morals i guess.Like from their thoughts and peoples thoughts here.I dont really how i got to where i think today.I thinks its just because i went without.


I don't know much about your post...but I will quote on your 'complimented' signature at the bottom. You're never had a g/f?....and you have your morals. That's awesome....yet I don't believe you know how hard it is once you're truly pressured(and NO I do not mean I'm the one that's pressuring it). I'm only a year older than you, but had the same idea...and I'm still doing my best to hold it up....but good luck...over the past few months alone I've broken enough of my own morals(but not the one)....you won't know how hard it is till you're put to the test.

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