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he dumped me?!?!?!

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ok so last night i was waiting for my boyfriend called and it was half an hour past when he should have called so iwent on msn messenger to see if he was on and my brother was just getting off the computer and he told me my boyfriend had something to tell me so i went on and i was talkin to him and he said we need to talk and i knew nothing good ever comes from that and he said that he thinks his feelings for me have changed and he thinks mine have too and i said mine havent but if he wanmted to dump me then i'll have to love with it and so he said i think we should break up and if i still like you then we can go back out.He asked if we could still be friends and i said yes because when we were going out i promised i would And he asked if i wanted to still talk to him and i said no and then are conversation ended and i just sat here at the desk and cried as my heart broke into a million pieces. but there's a funny side to this story he was under the influence of rum ,he wasnt drunk but he had enough, And monday he is leaving for 10 days and there's a girl there he might hook up with and he was with another girl last night. so how do u guys think i feel right now?

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I'm sure you do not feel the best right now. It hurts getting "dumped". But girl, this is not the end of the world. Especially at your age. Enjoy being single, explore. Don't waste your time on one guy. I know this from experience. Really I do. Atleast he was honest with you. You will get better with time, hang in there.

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I'm sure you feel awful right now but..


what a cheese-meister your boyfriend is! Dumping you on messenger. And saying he wants to break up but wants you to stick around just in case he decides he "still likes you". And he was with some other girl the night he dumped you, and you know he's planning to hook up with a different girl?!?! Good riddance I say, a lucky escape for you.

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If he is already having thoughts about getting with another girl; he wasn't worth it. He sounds pretty cold.


Doing it over msn is a very very cowardly thing to do. I think even by phone is running away from the problem.


Things can only get better. You are still young, and you have your youth to enjoy.


Do things to take your mind off him. Go out with friends. Remember you have a life outside this sleezy guy.


Good luck.

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