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Ok when it comes to things personal im a very closed up person and say nothing to anyone in my life i only vent here.Ya when i wasnt on the depression pills i did the same thing and do u think this might have cause my depression to be a lil bit more severe?Ya i dont go to my mom for help i just keep everything clammed up,i dont tell my friends my problems with girls or anything.Would it help more if i was more open with people?It feels like its too hard for me to go that way.Do u know anyway i can become motivated too maybe become that way?

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As a very reserved person myself, I can tell you that it's only as big as you make it out to be.


If you don't mind having it all to yourself then don't torture yourself over it.


If you feel like talking to someone would help; do it.


Somepeople feel when they talk about their problems it's a weight off their shoulders.


Personally, I like to keep my business personal.

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I think you should seek help from your friends. They are the people that will truly understand the type of person you are and be able to help you through problems. The only way to solve your problems is to act on it yourself in your own way or seek advice from a close caring friend.

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I personally, like a shoulder to cry on, someone to confide in. It's nice knowing people will listen. But on the other hand, there's some things I keep inside. Becuause I try to deal with it on my own or I just don't feel like spilling out my problems all the time.

If you prefer staying on here venting, that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that, alot of good people who will help you are here. But maybe you should try confiding in someone that your close to one day, it might make you feel alot better. It's nice to get hugs and all that too.

Good luck.

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At some point in time. Everyone needs reassurance that things will work out.


It's just who you go to and how you deal with it.


Whatever works for you. If you prefer to keep reserved for whatever reason then you shouldn't feel you have to speak to someone, especially if you know you can cope on your own.


But, sometimes it is nice to have someone there for you. A close friend/family member or even posting on eNotalone.

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Sometimes, even when you don't feel like talking to someone, you should try it. I know when it comes time for me to talk about how I feel, I'm always hesitant to open my mouth. I don't know why really, I think I project the event in my head and I always imagine that person not understanding or not wanting to hear it or me looking like a fool, but I sort of force it out, and it helps. This forum helps, that's for sure. Keep your head up, and try to stay away from pills, but then again you know you better than I.

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It can be really hard to share feelings sometimes, but it's easier to do with someone you can trust. I didn't particularly want to share anything with my folks at that age either. That's completely normal. I hope you are able to find someone who you can open up to. Leaving feelings bottled up isn't healthy. If you really feel you are not ready for that then how about just writing your feelings down?

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