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it doesnt mean your doing something wrong. i mean really giving head is only "foreplay" and typically doesnt always result in an orgasm (movies can be deceiving!). i mean with my bf the first couple of times i was SO NERVOUS and barely did ANYTHING really. and i was so caught up with making him cum i thought i was doing something wrong. but with practice...i mean just getting more comfortable with the whole idea and just getting into it myself he now easilllly cums with oral. again he just may not with oral but i noticed a few things that helped me so ill just give it out lol. okay well again you have to be into it yourself really. and if you go up and down with your mouth kind of fast that speeds up the pleasure....and playing with the balls seems to help as well just covering the "whole" area. mix up technique change the motion every once in awhile but ya just going up and down kind of fast really does it. but build up to the moment! lots of passionate kissing and stuff def helps before hand get him really heated up.

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What I have heard... and you guys can correct me if I am wrong..

is that the reason men like ORAL so much is that its actually less pressure on the penis. The sensation is lighter so they can stay longer and pro-long the "O"... where as if they have intercourse it may go off with a bang.


You've tried more ahhhhemmm pressure.... more suction...


There was an excellent write up in one of these posts down the string on a HOW TO... and really... you are most probably doing everything right... its not rocket science...


Have you asked him what you could be doing different??? or has he expressed concern that he can't... go off?

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Whilst you are doing it rub his perineum. That's the place between his balls and his bottom. Use a bit of pressure and vary the speed. My husband cums in no time!


I was actually shocked when I realised how much extra penis length was hiding away. What a waste!


If that doesn't work try ahhhhmmmm lightly rimming the hole with your finger. If he starts to question what you are doing reassure him you're not going inside. My husband says it's a different kind of pleasure!


Eventually, when he trusts you he may want to try more, but that is something you'd have to discuss together! My husband doesn't like anything more than what I've told you, however, I do but not all the time. It's personal choice!


Hope this helps.

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Shadows is right... Oral is less stimulation, but definitely not less sensation It is just a different feeling -- the warmth, the wetness, the tongue moving around, etc. -- that lasts a long time as opposed to sex. My ex-gf loved to give me slow BJ's that would last upwards of 25 minutes sometimes, and they were awesome because right when I was about to cum she'd pull off and tease me. You are definitely right, shadows, men like it for the prolonged sensation. However, it is tough to cum because you're always "almost there" but not quite, and sometimes getting over that hump can take a while.


Sometimes my ex-gf would come off and use her hand to masterbate me to just before I shot then she'd go back down and use that suction sensation as I came. Try giving him a handjob as that tends to speed up the process.

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