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Want to tell gf about circumcision, what should I do?

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I'm not sure if this is the right part of the forum to post this, but here it goes:


Ever since I can remember, I've had a condition called phimosis, where the foreskin on the penis cannot retract because the opening it too small. I finally decided to do something about it, so I went to the doctor and he recommended circumcision. So two weeks ago, I went under the knife and had the operation done. It is almost fully healed and everything is fine.


I have been dating this girl for about a little over a month now. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that I had the operation done while I was dating her. Now, the relationship isn't sexual, but having the operation meant going to the hospital and then saying in bed the next couple days afterwards, so she would obviously be curious. If I told her afterwards, I thought she might get angry that I didn't tell her beforehand; but then again, sixteen-year-old guys don't get circumcised everyday(atleast not to my knowledge), and I didn't know how she would react to that(this is my first relationship and I don't want to mess it up). So because of those things, I told her a few days before that I was having surgery and was very vague with the details(she knew it was in that area, and that I had stitches, that was about it), and to my surprise she didn't press the matter as I suspected she would, which was good for me at the time.


My problem is this: I feel somewhat guilty that I didn't tell her the full truth about what I was getting done. Actually I'm not sure if it is guilt at all, but for some reason I feel the need to tell her. What do you think I should do, in the interest of staying with her? Do you think she would react badly to that info?


Thanks in advance

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No I don't think she would react badly at all. I think she will understand you may have been a bit nervous and embarrassed about it and will probably have a laugh that you couldn't tell her about it but I am sure that would be all. It is just another medical proceedure afterall and although I hate generalisations, woman seem to be far more comfortable with these sort of things than men are.

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Go in with confidence. Confidently tell her you were a bit embarrased to tell her before, but you got circumcised for those reasons you stated. If shes cool she might feel good that you are entrusting her with information you use to be scared to tell.


If she gets bad at you for not telling her before i think thats a little whack.

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Yeah. You should tell her. Believe me, the truth, is always the best option.


Let's consider both scenarios..


Ok, you don't tell her. Everything goes well for a while, until you do want to start a sexual relationship. She shouldn't have a problem with it, but she'd probably want to know when you had it done. Basically, not telling her could turn around and bite you later down the line


If you were to tell her. Ok yeah, they may be a little embarrassment.. but if she has any sense, she'll be happier that you told her than the opposite. Keeping things secret from your partner isn't healthy for the relationship.


Tell her.

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I think you should tell her as soon as possible! You are worried about being embarrassed, etc. From my point of view (a woman's) she could be worried sick thinking that you've had testicular cancer and you're waiting to hear the results. It is possible at your age!


Secondly, I think she would feel more relaxed knowing about your circumcision than to find out when you open your trousers!


Finally, tell her it's alright to ask you questions anytime. Explain how it feels different to you. I'm sure she'll appreciate that you are taking her feelings into account.


Good luck

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  • 7 months later...
I went to the doctor and he recommended circumcision. So two weeks ago, I went under the knife and had the operation done. It is almost fully healed and everything is fine.

... I told her a few days before that I was having surgery and was very vague with the details (she knew it was in that area, and that I had stitches, that was about it), and to my surprise she didn't press the matter as I suspected she would, which was good for me at the time...


I suspect here that she had an idea that you might be embarrassed about it, so she is giving you privacy. Great. Since you haven't started a sexual relationship with her yet, you haven't taken anything away that she formerly had with you. Great. The odds are that she will expect and prefer a circumcised guy anyway, so you are most likely in luck here. Hey, I don't see ANY downside to this story.

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