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Ok, so I have been going out with my girlfriend for a while now and we haven't kissed yet. She is my first girlfriend so I guess I am just nervous about it. I don't know how I should make the move to kiss her and like where or when I should. I really like her a lot because she is on a soccer tournment and I can't stop thinking about her. I have realized how much I really like her with her beening gone. I really wanta kiss her and show her affection. I talked to her about being shy and she said not to worry about it to much because she is shy also. But how should I make the first move and where or when?

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your beter of not kissing her than kissing her when shes not ready... dont rush anything, girls can care about this stuff way more than guys (making a move too fast) just make sure you all are all alone and when it seems right... it also helps if she feels the same about you when it happens lol... but also dont just rush in way too fast to kiss her... (from the mmovie hitch) you go 90% she goes the rest of the way to you... or go 75% then as she comes in go back out a little bit, then go in even stronger (from a recent post) good luck...

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You could start by looking through the posts on kissing topics.


Many people have your problem.


Whenever the feeling takes you both. Be gentle and remember the first one just has to be an icebreaker. You don't have to do anything drastic.


Whenever you're comfortable.. it'll happen.


Good Luck

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Hey! I can post in here now...have some experience lol


Ummm...well I dont know how long you two have been b/f-g/f, but you don't want to wait forever to have your first kiss with her. If anything...like say you're sitting next to her, stroke her hair and then just stare into her eyes and if she really wants to kiss...she'll move inward towards you as you move towards her. Other than that...you say she's on a tournament now and you haven't seen her for a few days I guess....you could give her a huge hug for a welcoming back, but then when you two let go...just dont exactly let go all the way, hold her close, but still far enough that you can see her face and then try the above.


Good luck...and don't be tense...just some last second advice, relax.

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1) you dont have to be all alone....some of the best first kisses with girls I ever had were in public places. just walking down a beach, or at an amusement park right before the safty bars drop on a roller coaster....things like that


2) it doest have to be big.... something simple and sweet will work


3) you can go all 100% of the way if you want to with your kiss...this isn't hitch and your not paying some guy to teach you how to live. if you want to just lean in and put one on her then do it, but make sure she is ready.


4) make sure she is ready, if not then you can really make it out to be an awekward moment.


5) use the force....you will be able to tell if its the right time or not, just go with what your heart tells you and you will have no regrets.

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I believe that would be untastful. You should be acting mature about this and there may be children in an amusment park. Maybe if you are in a secluded area it could work.


I still prefer it one on one, caring, affectionate and meaningful.


Good Luck whatever you decide.

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Her friends said that, not her. It shouldn't matter what her friends think, kissing her is about the two of you and no one else. I think a kiss, especially a first one should be private, between you two without everyone watching on. If you want to show affection around others, hold her hand, put your arm around her, etc.

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i got a few suggestions... to start if u want to take small steps, like try kissin her on the cheek when shes leavin or somehtin, try to get closer to her (dont know if thats wat ur havin trouble, but these r all ways to make u feel confortable with her) when u have the nerves, try just to kiss her goodbye... and u may wanna do it in private since it sounds like shes shy too

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Yeah she is shy because I talked to her about it and she said she's shy and everything. She left a couple days ago. I just don't know how to make the first move because she is like my first girlfriend. I am kinda nervous I think is the problem.


What are some tips to not be nervous or making the first move.

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Hold her hand first of all if you don't do that already. That shows some PDA (Public displays of affection). If you hug her ever....well if you don't, you should start....and next time to do hug her, kiss her on the cheek. The next time maybe on the lips or a little closer to the mouth. And smile. If you're talking to your friends and she's talking to her friends. Get eyecontact with her and give her a big smile. She'll know you're thinking about her. She'll appreciate it. Don't be afraid to kiss her. I'm sure she wants it too, she's just shy. You said she's really shy so doing it in a public place might make it more uncomfortable for her. During a movie or something might be better, right after teh previews before the movie starts, lean over and kiss her cheek. She'll probably turn towards you can you can kiss on the lips. Just start with a little kiss, then works up to longer kisses. Just relax. Don't rush things. Go for little things first, holding hands, hugging, kissing on her cheek.

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Yeah, she is shy because I was talking to her after the movie and she was like yeah that was fun but next time I'll try not to be so shy. I feel like since I don't know what I was doing I would wait but she is shy to so now I will have to make the first move. I really want to but I'm just nervous. From her being gone I realized how much I miss her and love her and now hopefully I won't be as shy.

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