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Yeah! I AM OVER IT!!!

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Well, I woke up last week and finally wasn't thinking about my ex! I finally got that moment everyone talks about. It was great!


The only thing I thought about was the act that I hadn't thought about him. Then later that week, someone brought up some news that normally would have torn me to pieces. It was more gossip about my ex and the new girl he has practically moved in with. And to my surprise my heart didn't even flutter and there was no stomach drop. That was the true test.


All the sudden, I can think clearly like before this all happened. I don't blame myself anymore and now I can remember why I was distancing myself from him in the first place.


Just thought I would give an update. If you look at my posts you can see this has almost taken a full year. It has been up and down. But guess what, finally healed me. NC for myself. Two months of no contact and once again I am myself with confidence. There is hope for those in pain, I promise!


Thanks DN (you were so much help), Hope, Shocked and Dismayed, Confused & Hurt, Regret, Lost and Alone, and many others!

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this has almost taken a full year. It has been up and down. But guess what, finally healed me. NC for myself. Two months of no contact and once again I am myself with confidence. There is hope for those in pain, I promise!


I truly believe that Time (coupled with a strong self-worth) is the only that can mend a broken heart. You have to go through a grieving process, just as in any other type of loss. You have to let yourself feel the pain, the despair, the anger, the hopelessness. But then there is light at the end of the tunnel.


You come out a stronger person with a valuable lesson learned and a new lease on life.



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Clap, clap, clap...I am so proud of you lelou. I hope you can find a person who can make you happy (vise versa)...we both have learned a lot, haven't we? We must treasure what we have, and never take it for granted. Once we lose it, it will never come back. We BOTH have learned.

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Thanks for all the congrats!


DN, I love my job. I think that helps a lot. It is pretty action packed and time consuming, so not much time to worry! Hope all is well with you, and thanks again for all those supportive talks. You were right, he is going to be the one with regrets .

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Hey Lelou!


I am so glad to hear how well you are doing! I've often thought about you and wondered how things were going, and then got your updates here and there....


I'm so proud of you for being so strong! I knew you could do this. I hope you will stick around and help others who are where you once were. And always remember...he is the one who lost out here, not you!


Best of luck with everything and keep us updated on your life!!!




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