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My boyfriend of a year and and a half just recently told me he wanted to break things off. He said that he is confused and does'nt know what he wants. He said he wants to give it a few weeks, and then pick things back up just as friends and see where it goes. I don't know what to do! I'm in love with him we've talked about marriage. I just thought he felt the same way as me. I think he might be running scared. It just hurts. It has only been a couple of days and I feel like I lost my best friend. thanks for reading and please give me any advice you can!

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hii.... sweety you cant force him to stay i am in the same situation i know how you feel i know it hurts but there are no other choice but my question is what made him think if this and why ?

anyway dont think that if you guys talked about marriadge that it will happen but to get married is a decision more imp than feelings let him go and trust me he'll regret it dont do my mistake and show him that you r weak and good luck

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Hi JillieBean (cute name by the way )....


I will tell you what many say to do on here when faced with someone

who does not know what they want and wants a "break"...that is to do


No Contact. No Contact means no phone calls, no emails, no texts..nothing. This is a means for you to heal or for you to move on...not to get them back. A "break" is essentially a break up...so sometimes it's best to see it as just that. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they do not. That's out of your control...you can ONLY control your actions at this point. Doing NC helps you maintain your diginity and self esteem..by not chasing or begging someone to be with you, if they have already emotionally removed themselves from you. It is hard...it will test your will, your self discipline, and your nerves....but in time you will be SO glad you did it. Keep coming here for support when you're weak....there are some great people here who give awesome advice. Post when you feel weak, when you want to cry, when you just want to vent....it will help.

Be strong...keep us posted.

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If he does not want to be with you for a few "days" set him free for ever. He needs to let things out of his system. Wether is date others, have sex with others, or just be by himself. A person who desires something like this and then returns to you will do it again.

Yes, it will hurt like crazy but he made that choice not you. You will dream of a marriage, a wedding with someone else. Not with a person who needs "days'' away from you that later may turn into months. Be strong and know that you can fall in love again. There are plenty of nice man out there who can treat you the same way you treat your boyfriend.

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Hey guys new stuff has happened. He called yesterday, and asked if i would come over to talk. I told him i did'nt think it was a good idea, but stupid old me, i went anyway. when I walked in the door he grabbed me and hugged me and would'nt let go. he told me he missed me, and i started to cry. He said he couldn't keep me off his mind, all he could think about was me. He then said now all he has to figure out is if he misses me because he is lonley or he really misses me. i continued to cry and he just held me, he kept telling me it was alright, and not to cry. he just rocked me back and forth and told me he loved me. I am kind of confused. But i guess no matter how bad it hurts i just need to hang in their and let things work out how they are supposed to. Thanks for everything guys

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