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Okay so just a little while ago my bf and i got in a fight over me saying that he wants me to wear skirts and shorts and then last night he kinda implied that he was used to the sex and he took forever to "do his deed".

I told him today it pissed me off so he flipped out in a rage and smashed the remote and then he grabbed my wrists really hard and shook me then shook the chair he has done this more then once. is this abuse?

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I don't know if its abuse, did he hurt you or leave marks? If he did then maybe you need to tell a friend. Has it happened a lot lately or just every now and then? he may have some anger issues that he may need help with.


I hope everything works out for you and that it doesn't happen again. Good Luck.

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yeah it's really easy to say get out real fast when you're not in that kind of situation. You love him? You must tell him that it hurts you so mad, control your feelings ( rage, pain ) and be clear. Tell him that you deserve better than this and if he continues that way, he'll be lonely for the rest of his life. Sometimes people just don't know where to stop.



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Totally agree with the other two, YES its abuse! Get out now!!!


You should be able to express your fears, happiness and anger at your partner without resorting to physical violence or mental violence for that matter.


Just because he did not leave marks doesn't mean its not abuse...


But to defend him, does he have any major problems going on? Men keep a lot of stuff to themselves and maybe he just took it out on you but you need to find this out and to me, it would have to be a major problem for someone to phsyically grab me and shake me!


keep your eyes wide open and stay safe

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it isnt abuse yet, it is walking the fine line, and at any moment he could fall to the dark side, very very very very very very BAD SIGN.........talk to him if u love and really care about him, talk to him about how it made u feel, but if u arent too close to him, get out, leave him alone........1

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it is Most certainly and completely abuse. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is abuse and/or harassment, both of which are VERY illegal. I know it's hard to leave someone you love, but you REALLY need to. Right now it may just be shaking you hard and breaking things and saying rude things, but that can change to hurting you badly, breaking more things, and saying things that shouldn't be said to anyone anyways. You need to get as far away from him as you can.[/b]

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  • 1 month later...

I have to agree with Segagirl, you should lose this one fast! At the very least, you should make him fully understand him putting his hands on you like that is unacceptable. Remember that these things tend to start with something smaller and get worse with time.

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You bet this is abuse. I spent 8 years with someone who beat me half to death just because he could. It starts off small and escalates. Statistics show he is HIGHLY unlikely to stop on his own (I think about 2% the last time I checked). Not much more even with counseling. It will get to the point where he will start fights for the sole purpose of taking out his aggression on you.


Good luck and you need to leave without giving him a forwarding address.

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