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Hey everyone, got a quick question for you. I just finished my period on June 12th and since then i had unprotected sex more then a few times after that with my boyfriend. I noticed that yesterday night (june 21) that I was spotting and then again in this morning but it has stopped. It was just a little bit of pink but that's it. Anyways what does this mean? Also, the last couple days its been a stong odour down there, and a little bit of clear discharge. I've been more emotional too then usual. Any information will be great.. Thanks..



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First I would wonder why you would be having unprotected sex? And then I would wonder why you are not on birthcontrol? Reckless.

Women do spot on occasion, esp. when under stress. Women also have discharge for several reasons, some natural (but genreally if natural you would have no order). You may have and STD, or yeast infection. See your doctor right away. When you see your doctor you should ask about testing for possible pregnancy as well. Please use protection as well as birthcontrol for you own safety as well as your partners.

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You may not be pregnant. You do not start to ovalute until about a week and a few days (varies for each women). So if you happened to have sex then...you may not be...you may just have been lucky. And if you dont get your period by July 21 (or maybe July 14)...then take a pregnancy test. And please got on some kind of birth control.


Take care and i hope this helps!

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I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now, I'm 21. We've both been checked out and been totally heathly and normal, that's why i think i might be pregnant... I've been really tired latley, but i guess maybe the reason why we never used anything is because since we've been going out I've never got pregnant, for the whole 3 years.

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reason why we never used anything is because since we've been going out I've never got pregnant, for the whole 3 years.

That may be true, but it only takes one time. As far as I'm concerned, you're pretty lucky it hasn't already happened. Just to be on the safe side, you may want to take a pregnancy test, or see your doctor.

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