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If a guy approaches you & you're not interested...

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I usually try to be polite as well since I know rejection hurts for anybody. But simply say that you're not interested, but thanks for the offer.


If he still is persistent & annoys you then you will have to try being less polite & straightforward, by giving a facial expression that doesn't appear so nice looking & ignoring him.

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In the words of the great sage, Homer Simpson:


'I've got 6 words for you baby, I'm not gay, but I'll learn!'


I think a simple, 'thats very sweet but I'm not looking' or 'I already have a boyfriend' (even if you don't).


Nice to know you want to be polite about it, if I had known girls were like that I would've approached a lot more back in my bar days

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Just be polite and straightforward....in other words don't say something like "In your dreams buddy!" nor should you let him buy you drinks all night then run away hiding at end of night...


Just politely tell him you are unavailable...even if he sees you dancing with someone else later, he might then assume you were together at least without getting too upset.


It sucks being rejected, but it is much easier to take when someone is still respectful when they do it.

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u can say iam really flattered and i like u too but let us be friends..


what do u think of this guys ?


If you just met him, why would you say "let us be friends"...you don't even know them enough to know if you would want them as friends..and I am pretty sure they don't want to be friends either.


Don't make promises that are unlikely to be followed through on...that seems more offensive then just saying you are not interested or are unavailable.

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If you just met him, why would you say "let us be friends"...you don't even know them enough to know if you would want them as friends..and I am pretty sure they don't want to be friends either.


Don't make promises that are unlikely to be followed through on...that seems more offensive then just saying you are not interested or are unavailable.


I think Always was trying to make a sarcastic point about the "let's be friends or I like you better as a friend" line that most girls use when they aren't interested in a guy period (romantically or friendship wise). The one line that upsets guys to death.

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Don't give the friends line, ever. Guys aren't dumb, we know when we're being given a line, it's insulting when we get one, especially at the end of a relationship. But that's not what you're asking. When I ask a woman to dance or to have a drink and if she isn't interested it's always nice to hear "Thank you, you seem nice, but I'm not interested" First the thank you for the effort, then a compliment, then the truth. You can't go wrong with that.


Whatever you choose to do, be nice about it.

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Should it not be the same with women... if we are not interested in a woman, do you ladies feel like we should be honest and say, "I'm just not looking for anyone right now"? I would rather hear this line anyday over "lets just be friends". But I hear from my girl friends all the time how some guys JUST DONT GET IT. In that case, you can only be blunt.

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