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A History of the Vibrator

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Here is a link to a slide-show that explores the history of the vibrator. I learned that they've been around since the 1880s and were first introduced as a medical treatment for women who had "hysteria". Check it out - the article is interesting!


CAUTION: A few explicit images!

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I checked out that site, quite informative. I went to check on my own vibrator and realized that the batteries have gone dead. I almost had a heart attack. Its like my little friend that I hide in the back of my closet. Anyway, got to go get some batteries..............


You know what REALLY sucks...when the batteries run out midway through!



Annie, thanks for the link. I remember learning about this a few years ago, in some of my reading. They used to have some crazy ads for them in the papers, for that "hysteria". No "Rabbit" back then though!

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