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First date after long break.

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I posted last week about reconciling with my ex-girlfriend. I'm taking her out Sunday night for the first time since we broke up four months ago, and we'll see how it goes from there. It's kind of a strange situation because I don't know where to take her. Just dinner? Dinner and a movie? Spend the day together? What would be appropriate here? Any advice on what to do/how to handle this would be appreciated.

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Do something you guys enjoyed doing together. My thought is she will realize how much she missed it and you. (we hope) I would not flip out and try to do something that is not you. Hey, she wants to hang out again she must have liked it once before... I wish I was in your shoes. Good luck!

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I would suggest dinner and a walk, possibly some drinks. I wouldn't do a movie, since you won't be able to talk at a movie. Take her to her favorite restaraunt, and then maybe get some icecream and go for a walk afterwards.


Good luck!

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IS a serious relationship what is going to happen? Better take it easy at first. There is a difference between staying friends and jumping back into things. If I were to get back with my ex gf right now she would really have to convince me she is not going to hurt me like before. I would be up for the idea but not on your first date again. I would take this date as being light and fun. Talk about the serious stuff when it has to come up maybe soon after you see how the date and seeing each other goes. You dont want to scare her off right away. You know more about the situation than we do, though. Go with your gut. What do I know Im strugglin

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IS a serious relationship what is going to happen? Better take it easy at first. There is a difference between staying friends and jumping back into things. If I were to get back with my ex gf right now she would really have to convince me she is not going to hurt me like before. I would be up for the idea but not on your first date again. I would take this date as being light and fun. Talk about the serious stuff when it has to come up maybe soon after you see how the date and seeing each other goes. You dont want to scare her off right away. You know more about the situation than we do, though. Go with your gut. What do I know Im strugglin

Yes, the plan is to move past being friends "with privileges" as some might say, and get back into a serious relationship.

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