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I have recently started seeing this girl, we both know we like each other and the other night at a party we kissed, we've gotten really close. But she is going on holiday for three weeks on friday and I won't see her before she goes away. To make things even worse I am going on holiday the day before she comes back for another 3 weeks.


This means I won't see her for 7 weeks (including this week), I said to her that I can probably go on holiday a few days later so that I can see her before I leave but this is going to be costly and hastle with trasport. Should I just wait or try to see her before I go away?

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being gone for such a long amount of time will make it even more rewarding to see each other when you come back, Sort of like saying good things come to those who wait.


I would go on your vacation as planned, she hasn't made any changes in her schedule for you, so why sacrifice your original plans for her? that would make you seem desperate, and can lead to her loosing interest, after all you two just kissed, and from the party it sounds like things may come more natural, my advice is simple keep your head up, and don't act like it bothers you to have so much time apart, exchange pictures or something personal to keep the thought of each other in mind., That should help a bit.


Make a mental note to yourself every time you think of calling, or trying to call her when she is gone on vacation, that you and her are not together, just in the process of "possibly" becoming more than friends, and calling every half an hour to check up on her will surly land you into the path of a broken heart, and the classic line so many men have heard- "lets just be friends" So keep her guessing, don't show the emotions your wanting to show her here so soon, Women like a challenge, keep the contacts to a minimal, And then When she comes back, or when you feel the time is good, i would casually ask her what her thoughts were the night of the party, unless it has already been discussed, Although sometimes it helps if you let out your thoughts First to a girl, rather than putting her on the spot by asking first.


It's just sort of easier for her to come out and say whats on her mind, After you.


Best of luck

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Yeah that makes sense. But I know she likes me because she told me and she also said that she feels bad about us not being able to see each other for 7 weeks. She does feel the same way as me about it.


We said we would text each other whilst we were away anyway. She said that she would like to see me but doesn't want to make things difficult for me by having to go on holiday a few days later and us not actually going out does make it seem weird that I would go to the trouble of that. So I'm not sure what to do.

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I agree with the others that you should keep your own plans, esp. since this is a very new situation. But just because you are both going to be away, doesn't mean that you can't communicate. Text, call, e-mail, whatever feels comfortable. It might be good to talk a little about this too (without making it too heavy if this not the right time). You can say that you like having gotten to know her a bit and that you are going to call etc. while you guys are gone. Timing often distorts relationships but it doesn't have to if you are honest with each other and establish where you are going. Good luck!

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